So the Fish Said
Beth is Mia's mom and she usually has entertaining posts that range from parenting to her old flames and her hot pediatrician.
Rude Cactus
Chris is Beth's husband from So the Fish Said. His post's are all over the place. Some political stuff (which if you agree with his views it's great, if you don't, just muddle through because they are still funny) to funny pictures and stories. His August 15th post about caulk is classic. He also every so often throws in a hooker reference which always amuse me.
A fairly new blog about being a stepmom as well as tidbits about music and entertainment. Well written. She is a real life friend of mine who I have not seen in many years.
Metro Dad
The dude is too funny.
Desperate Working Momma
Cat has recently revamped her blog and has included video. The video's are hysterical and her writing is the Shiz-nit (You have to read her blog to know why I used the word Shiz-net.)
Dad Vs. Dad
My brother The LawnWhisperer's blog. He is funny (when and if he post's). His stories about his kids are funny (when and if he posts). He loves getting comments (when and if he posts).
I was digging through some old pictures and found one of Maxfield from when he was about 9 months old.

Enjoy your long the way, Maxfield is a cutie!
I like going to some of you're "friends" posts but... some do not allow anonymous comments. It is frustrating because I actually read a few posts, and then actually type the comment and then get shut down.
Have fun being MIA!
Great shot of Maxfield! LOOK at those blue eyes!
His little face is still the same!
Have a great weekend! Keep away from the rain! Don't bring it with you! Cute pic! All my grandkids are cute! We are blessed! Love you Can't wait to see you!
have a great weekend!
Enjoy your weekend, William... and thanks for the shout-out! I'm glad I amuse someone besides myself, actually.
You = the shiznit, yo?!
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