Monday, August 28, 2006

Big Boy

Wyatt had his two month check up the other day and apparently two month old boys are not supposed to weigh 15 lbs 8oz, because that weight is not on the growth chart arch.


kimmyk said...

He's adorable!

Is he a breastfed baby?

Looks like he's a meat and potatoes sorta [lil] guy to me.

He's changed alot in the 2months he's been here.

kimmyk said...

HA, and let me just say this [cause I rarely get the chance]...


lawnwhisperer said...

Like father, like son.

Unknown said...

LOL! I LOVE those pics!

And that "Mommy" shirt -- fabulous!

What a smiley little guy!

Anonymous said...

He's a cutie! Love his "mommy"

Kami said...

So, you guys don't feed him, eh?


LOOK AT HIS HAIR! I love it!

Dollymama said...

What a cutie!

barnmouse said...

LOVE the hair! My kinda guy ;)

Mutt said...

At 2 months mine was 16 lbs. 4 oz. Let's just say we haven't been on the chart yet and he's 10 months now.

Anonymous said...

Who needs a stinkin growth chart when you're that cute!

Anonymous said...

There's something very wrong with how cute your babies are. Something possibly illegal. I just don't think it's legal for babies to be this incredibly cute.

Anonymous said...

I think you mentioned in an earlier post that he was a breastfed baby. The World Health Organization has made a new growth chart especially for breastfed babies. My two children were always at the top for height and weight and now I ask my pediatrician for the other chart. But I agree with another commenter that who needs charts when you are THAT cute. Congratulations to both you and your wife on your beautiful family.

Random and Odd said...

S*** I totally forgot to tell Shaun to update your website to reflect the new baby...who isn't really a baby anymore. he's a big boy.

I'll make him do that tonight.

The Q said...

I love his little "tough guy" fists in the first picture. Don't mess with that cutie!

ieatcrayonz said...

Ack, my ovaries! What a little bruiser.

Anonymous said...

He's freakin' adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Two months? The kid looks like a line-backer! What are you feeding him?!!?

Love the smiles though!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!! Liam was a whopper at 17.7 at 2mos. He didn't even out til he started crawling.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till he puts the image from his onesie onto his right bicep.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. Can't wait to hold him! Dad is right about Wyatt looking like Elvis. Now he looks like the older chubby Elvis. Does your mailman resemble Elvis? he he he he! C U Soon!

Lowa said...

My brother's son is about Wyatt's age. Just turned 2 months on the 20th. He is around 15 or 16 pounds also, my brother said. That is awesome! My kids were the same, the docs always said I had incredibly rich breast milk. I certainly never lacked any, I felt bad that I could not nurse a few extra kids, I was overflowing.

LOVE THE HAIR! My daughter had hair like that, but tight curls in the back. Then it turned strawberry blonde and is now straight. Maybe his will curl eventually??


c said...

Yeah, apparently they aren't supposed to double their birthweight by three months, either, but Christopher did. He weighed 10 lbs at birth. Do the math.

Anonymous said...

*lol* and people looked at me like I was a freak when my son weighed 20lbs at 4 months. I don't know what he weighs now (yeah yeah well baby check ups are important -- bite me I hate doctor shopping and I was forced to fire the last moron)

The only thing that sucks is most infant seats only go up to 20lbs, there is one on the market that does 30lbs (Graco safe seat) and of course they have to be rear-facing to one year and most convertables max out at 33lbs rear-facing...

Growth charts are suck bull, and I believe the new WHO one for breastfed babies actually allows for lower weights, not higher.

So other mommies/daddies of BIG babies what did yours weigh at one year (if you are there yet)?

(oh and mine started at 8lbs 2oz which according to the growth chart is the 50th percentile)

Melanie said...

Yeah, we had one of those fatties too. But I don't think he weighed that much at two months!

I am getting baby fever and your pics of this cute baby are NOT helping.

Lowa said...


My 2nd son was 8 lbs 12 oz when he was born. He was 14 lbs by six weeks of age and 21 lbs at four months. Then he really slowed and was 26 on his first birthday. He is 11 now and not even 75 lbs.

My oldest was huge until he was 4 months. Then he slowed, then started losing by 7 months. We went to all kinds of dr's and specialists and over the course of the next year he was poked, prodded and tested for all manner of things, including Cystic Fibrosis. He was 16 pounds on his first birthday and did not hit 20 until almost his second birthday. He will be 14 in November and at 5 foot 2 is just now 70 lbs. Yeah, it is NASTY! He has all kinds of health issues and was diagnosed with GERD about 18 months ago. He had surgery this past February and still has no appetite. He never really has had one.

Sorry to take up this space, Bill. I know you didn't ask for all that, Brenda, I am just saying how odd it is that two brothers can be so amazingly different. And my oldest was so healthy for the first few months of life, it was really odd. He is still a puzzle we are trying to figure out.

Judypatooote said...

He is getting big, and pretty soon you will find Max and him wrestling around on the floor.... He is quite handsome.......

sari said...

He's very cute, of course, and I love his little smile. They are so cute when they start noticing everything and enjoying things. He looks very happy!

Lois Lane said...

Awwwwww! He is so adorable! Loooks just like his Mommy. :D

Unknown said...

Man he's cute. Love the hair.

Anonymous said...

"Like father, like son" indeed, Lawnwhisperer. I think Wyatt is totally handsome.

Anonymous said...


It is crazy. I hope that your oldest starts doing better.

I am SO scared that my li'l guy is going to weigh more than 33lbs before one year and that I won't have a safe car seat for him. Because he just keeps getting bigger and heavier, he needs bigger diapers AGAIN *sheesh*

Oh well.. nothing I can do about it, I'm not going to starve the kid.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Wow he is a big boy! He is adorable!