Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Midnight Snacks

One of my bad habits, which I inherited from my father, is waking up in the middle of night to get a midnight snack. Now I am nowhere near as bad as my dad as far as the choices of snack that I like to have in the wee hours of the morning. My dad used to and probably still does, would get up to make himself a spoonful of peanut butter with sugar on top. He would take a tablespoon or a soupspoon or even possibly a ladle and scoop up as much peanut butter as he could. He would then take the peanut butter covered spoon and just stick it into the sugar bowl until it had a nice white crystal coating. My dad would then place the entire glob into his mouth and with one motion he would eat the spoon clean.

Now my midnight snacks are usually either because I have a hankering for something. A craving that will not go away and let me sleep. Some people eat snacks due to boredom. Maybe I am bored while I am sleeping, I know strange but it is possible. My latest midnight snack of choice has been graham crackers and milk. I can’t get enough of them.

Lauren thinks this is an unhealthy habit and she does her best to discourage me. Our bedroom is right next to the kitchen so when I do wake up I have to go into stealth mode in order to sneak me some delicious honey cinnamon coated crackers. I do my best to hide the evidence before the morning. Now with the new baby needing to get fed every few hours my window of opportunity has shortened.

Last night I got caught. Twice. The first time Lauren just called form the bedroom. “What are you doing?”

I quickly put the box of crackers away and mumbled, “Getting a drink of water.”

The second time I was doing my best to quiet the crackly cellophane wrapping on the crackers when I turned around and Lauren was standing in the kitchen entrance. She scared the crap out of me. Damn, she is more stealthy than I am.

What is your favorite midnight snack?


ieatcrayonz said...

Sleep is my favorite snack at 2am. Actually, I can't say I've really ever had the urge to snack at that time unless I've yet to go to bed. And in that case, read sentence #1 again.

Teri said...

maybe you can buy some low fat graham crackers. I don't think it's bad for you but it's always weird to hear people say they wake up in the middle of the night for a snack.

Effie said...

when I wake up in the middle of the night with a low sugar reading, I get to indulge in midnight snacks, but most times, I'm so tired and shaky, I try to get the sugar in me quick--peanut butter by the spoonful quickly followed by or even dunked into the frozen yogourt is a nice starter, or possibly a granola bar dunked into either of the aforementioned items is quite tasty. A handful of raisins works but isn't usually enough. A glass of juice will help...I usually munch on some crackers too, to maintain the sugar levels or if there's enough fruit around, I will have a nectarine or apple...

I'm always worried about my teeth afterwards and usually follow it up with a quick mouthwash or tooth brushing...

My hubby however DEFINITELY has a midnight sweet tooth! If there's any leftovers around, I'll find the empty containers in the morning. Or an empty icecream bowl...he's bad--almost every night!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

You could not pay me to get out of bed in the middle of the night to pee let alone eat a snack. No way once I am in bed it would take a miracle for me to get up!

Anonymous said...

Used to be I would eat a bowl of cereal. Now I will sometimes eat a handfull of almonds or a slice of whole grain bread. If I am really feeling in need of indulgence I will drink a glass of juice.

Kami said...


My snack of snacks is popcorn! YUM.

Peanut butter on the spoon is good, too, but sans the sugar. :)

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I was just saying recently that I thought the whole midnight snack thing was a myth. I didn't think people actually got up and had midnight snacks.The idea of sleeping being boring is also quite original and interesting.

I have been known to do the peanut butter dipped in sugar thing though in broad daylight. Shame.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. I was just saying recently that I thought the whole midnight snack thing was a myth. I didn't think people actually got up and had midnight snacks.The idea of sleeping being boring is also quite original and interesting.

I have been known to do the peanut butter dipped in sugar thing though in broad daylight. Shame.

Lowa said...

I have never in my life heard of PB dipped in sugar!!?

I don't get up in the middle of the night to eat. I sleep in the night. Or at least try to.

I used to suffer from horrible low blood sugar attacks. If I woke up hungry and weak and was not so shaky that I could hardly walk, I would get some cheese and juice. A few times, I passed out before I got to the fridge and people found me on the floor, with things spilled all around me. Those freaky attacks stopped as suddenly as they started. Thank GOD!!

Stop waking Lauren up by sneaking snacks, would you!?? Sheesh!

eclectic said...

See William? Now you've got little Wyatt copying your bad habits already -- waking up to eat in the middle of the night. Tsk. ;)

Anonymous said...

When I get up in the middle of the night, I like to "sneak me some delicious honey cinnamon coated" wife.

Sharfa said...

This had me in hysterics, especially when Lauren scared the crap out of you.

She's a mother, unless you plan ahead - you will be dead meat every time.

You need to get the crackers stashed & ready before you go to bed. That way, there'll be no crunchy cellophane, just the sound of the pouring milk (which is legit, could be water)

MMmmm peanut butter, I've done the peanut butter on the spoon too (sans sugar)ew.

Michelle said...

Entenmann's Chocolate Donuts. Sometimes I'll eat the mini version, but then I have to have 2. At least. I love my midnight snacks. They are my favorite meal of the day.

N said...

Next time, William, try graham crackers with some sugar-coated peanut butter smeared on top. And don't forget the glass of milk.

I promise you, you will never look at snacking the same again.

(I'm sorry, Lauren.)

Anonymous said...

I agree with the sleepers in that sleep is my midnight snack of choice. I get almost angry if I have to get up to pee. Damn that bladder!

Lois Lane said...

That is soooo weird! After our second kid was born, I craved honey cinnamon coated graham crackers and milk. I ate them every night for months! Thankfully, I didn't have anyone sending me back to bed. :P Hahaha! Lauren caught you!
Lois Lane
P.S. B-Day is 6-19 not 7-19, but thanks for thinking of me.

Nilbo said...

I sleep four hours a night ... usually between 3 and 7AM. Around 2 AM, I have a lil snack. Lately it's been Whole Wheat Ritz crackers and ultra-sharp cheddar. It's almost always something cheesy (insert your own joke here).

When I am asked "What are you doing down there in the kitchen?" my stock reply is "Murdering kittens, dear." The truth always seems much nicer.

Nature Girl said...

sugar on peanut butter???? EW! While I don't often sleep in the middle of the night, but I do my hardest to stay put in bed where I belong. Shame on you making Lauren get up to check on you. She's a mom with a baby! She needs her sleep.....sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Nice picture, anonymous! No midnight snacks for me. If I eat ice cream after 8 p.m. I have nightmares. I love my sleep! I can eat (and do) plenty during the day! Who are all these "health food freaks"?

Character Builder said...

I don't usually get up in the middle of the night if I just happen to wake up, but if I'm having trouble sleeping, and I know it's because I'm hungry, I'll get up and remedy the problem. Usually, it's just something small and accessible, like Fig Newtons or crackers, but I have been known to pour myself a bowl of cereal. Usually Lucky Charms. (Actually, they're Marshmallow Mateys, cuz I'm cheap!) My co-workers used to think I was crazy for doing that. Like someone else mentioned, they didn't think that people actually did that sort of thing in the night!

Unknown said...

I only eat in the middle of the night when I'm knocked up or missed dinner for some reason or another. It's always high protein...cheese, hard boiled egg, tuna, etc. I learned the first time I was PG that the more protein I ate the longer my fetus slept. That didn't sound appropriate, but you know what I mean.

Graham crackers+peanut butter+honey+ a cold glass of milk= heaven on earth

Anonymous said...

good Lord, could the wrappers on those graham crackers be any louder?! I swear, it's like a bomb going off...

My fav midnight snack is ice cold koolaid and a couple of cookies..yum!

Jewl said...

I am not getting out of bed for a snack, no way. Sleep is way too important.

Anonymous said...

Potato chips are my Achilles heel. My wife and I will brush our teeth together. I'll tell her that I have to go check to make sure all the kitchen lights are off. And then I'll go stuff a handful in my mouth. Totally gross but I'm addicted.

Unknown said...

Never have I woken up in the middle of the night to get a snack. Before bed, sure. Once in bed...forget it.

kimmyk said...


My favorite bedtime snack is watermelon. God I love that stuff !

Amanda said...

Cold tall glass of chocolate milk.

big dan said...

it was lucky charms. but now, since i've discovered them...chocolate lucky charms.


sorry, went homer simpson there, i'm better now.

Anonymous said...

Little Debbie Nutty Bars...layer by layer. Wrappers make less noise in closed pantries with finely oiled hinges.

deb said...

I know this is two years old. just found it. I am such a sleep eater and my spouse has named me the midnight muncher. He too tries to distract me. But I am sleep eating so I do not hear him. There is evidence of late of graham crackers and milk. it is the best! it makes it ya poop though.

Anonymous said...

peanut butter and bread with a glass of milk! yummy