Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Let Down

We were prepping for dinner when Lauren braced herself against the table with one hand grabbed her chest with the other. She let out a slow moan. The look on her face told me she was in pain.

“What?” I asked. “Are you okay?”

She sighed as the uneasy feeling subsided. “Whew. That was a let-down.”

“What do you mean? A let down that it was NOT a heart attack?”

She sat down and rolled her eyes at me. “No. When a woman is breast feeding, she can feel her milk ducts, I don’t know how to say this, let loose?”


“It is a pretty strong tingly sensation. It is called Let-Down.”

“Like your boobs fell asleep?”

“No. Not like that. You should read the breastfeeding, uh, manual that I brought home from the hospital.”

“A MANUAL? Like I could learn how to breastfeed?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Well I could learn but it won’t work.”

“At least you can read about what I am going through.”

I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and started writing. Lauren looked puzzled. “What are you doing?” She asked.

“I am writing this down so I can blog about it.”

“Bill, I don’t know how I feel about you discussing my boobs on the internet.”

“Whatever. How does this sound? We were prepping for dinner, when Lauren….”


Lois Lane said...

Poor Lauren. Forget the book Bill, think of someone taking a porcupine to your nutsac and then pee just decides to pour out without you having any control. That's what letdown feels like. Add the uterine contractions that are similar to that of getting kicks in the nads, and you have the gist of things. Kiss your wife and thank her for not getting a pet porcupine to help explain. :P
Lois Lane

DCK said...

So what's the name of this manual on breastfeeding? I got a bunch of pamphlets from the hospital... still don't think I'm doing it right... although I'm only pumping since baby's still in the hospital..

Anonymous said...

No newz kills me. She said nutsac and nads. Two of my favorites

Anonymous said...

Let me let you know what a "letdown" is for me. My wife looks good and smells good. We go to bed at exactly the same time, and she says "not tonight". I grab the bedpost with one hand, and put my other hand across my midsection and moan. No manual needed.

Lowa said...

This is your second child and you are just NOW learning about let down??

Twixie- You don't need a book. Call any La Leche League. They will help immensely. Hope your baby is alright???

If you want more help, e-mail me. If you go to my blog, I am sure there will be access to my e-mail. I breastfed four kids, so I hope I can be of some help.

Kami said...

It is a very strange feeling. Make sure she reads the mastitis chapter. I didn't, because I wasn't going to get mastitis, but I did. TWICE.

Effie said...

Bill, you should read the manual....

my mom gave me a book from the La Leche League to read about breastfeeding and so far so good--it might even interest you!

lawnwhisperer said...

Don't read the book Bill. Don't do it. You may never view breasts the same way again.

Anonymous said...

I nearly choked on my carrot stick.

Milk let down is not that funny. The last three line of the blog - now that is funny.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Wiiliam,
Don't read the book. See the movie instead.

Deanne said...

I like no newz' take on letdown. It does get better and isn't painful later, but Lois had the description just about right on the porcupine factor. It also hurts enough initially that I wanted to claw my husband just so he would understand a teeny bit what I was going through. ) So, I'd watch out for Lauren. Though she seems nicer than I am.

Lowa said...

I never read any books about it. I knew about mastitis from growing up on a farm and the cows getting it. LOL

I diagnosed myself every time I got it! Had it an average of 3-4 times with EACH KID. I have four.


Let down SUCKS, but is MUCH better than mastitis. The things we go through for our kids!

Anonymous said...

not gonna touch this one with a ten-foot pole...

Anonymous said...

or should I say two five-foot poles...

eclectic said...

Don't worry Lauren, your boobs are safe with us. Wait. That doesn't sound right, does it?

Anonymous said...

Next time try, "It was a dark and stormy night. . ."

kimmyk said...

Bill, wait til she lets down and sprays ya in the face with some fresh wholesome goodness.

Trust won't ever question her again with regards to what's goin on with her "girls".

Anonymous said...

I am laughing my flat-white-girl ass off.

Bless Lauren's heart for dealing with you.

Anonymous said...

Read the manual, Bill! At the very least, I'll bet it will give you something to blog about!

Just Jan said...

Oh my goodness I certainly emember the times Lauren is talking to you about and trust "no newz" for quite the EXACT discription of the feeling. Be glad you can't breastfeed!! Today the comment section here has me cracking up....great post!!

Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

You crack me up. Apparently you don't always crack your wife up though. :)


P.S. I just recommended you to a blogfriend bragging about her favorite dad blogs. She has nothing on the two on MY blogroll!

Anonymous said...

You gotta be ready to blog those moments!

Her Bad Mother said...

Remid her that it was not her BOOBIES that you were blogging about - it was her MILK DUCTS.

Big diff.

Unknown said...

Hehe you are too much. I never really had these majorly strong letdowns like some women describe. No leaks either. Things were good that way.

Anonymous said...

The last time I had Milk Ducts, I was at the movies with a large popcorn

Judypatooote said...

You crack me up......what better place is there to talk boob talk... LOL