Monday, October 09, 2006

Maxfield (2 and half)

Max kept telling the photographer that he did not want his picture taken. "No, No, No."


Anonymous said...

For someone who didn't want his picture taken, it sure is a cute one!

Teri said...

God he's precious.

Anonymous said...

Adorable! Happy Monday.

Lois Lane said...

Awww! I'm glad the photographer didn't listen. He is too cute!

Keri said...

Precious! He looks like an intellectual making a point. ;)

Kami said...

Little turkey. Great shot, though!

Unknown said...

Bwahahahaha -- What fun your kids are!

Anonymous said...

It may be the firey orange background, the finger that is clearly making a point or the look of glee in his eyes, but this photo says "Future Evil Genius" to me. Some day he will rule the world!

Amanda said...

Can I introduce to my 2 &1/2 year old. He is so cute!!!

I really love reading your blog.

Platypus said...

He's going to love being shown this picture when he's 18 and trying to impress girls! Still, he's such a sweetie. Seriously cute little boy you have there, William. :)

Unknown said...

Great pic of him, even though that background makes me wanna He's SO cute.

MrsDoF said...

He's so cute.
The background reminds me of when I was working at a daycare center and there was a similar "autumn colors" banner in the background on Picture Day.
One mother came in with her two daughters and said she wanted a plain background because this was to be the Christmas card photo.

I went out to the set-up area and made the mom's request VERY CLEAR to the camera operator (not to be confused with a professional photographer by any means).

When it came the girls' turn, they get all posed in front of the orange and green screen.
I told the woman No, she's wasting time, I know this mother and she would not be happy.

Finally, we get the girls all set against a white wall, and they were smiling!

When the photos returned, there was comparing of envelopes. One of the other moms asked why didn't everyone have a white background as a choice.
Why NOT, Indeed!

However, Max looks great anywhere he's sitting....especially when it seems he's had influence from college professor lectures.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

He is such a ham!

Jonathon Morgan said...

The best pictures are always when they refuse to have them taken!

Anonymous said...

He truly is cute! In this setting he reminds me of Lawrence Welk leading his band, "a one-a, a two-a" I can't help it! Or maybe he's saying, " just one more 'time out', please! I got it! "No, no, no, Mama"! One for the money.... He's definitely telling the photographer something.Maybe it's "never never never go to Pensylvania!" A picture is worth a thousand words, or tells a thousand stories....Love you Max! Did you see the Moon this week? Big harvest Moon, just for you and me.

Anonymous said...

Pennsylvania has 2 'n's!!! Duh!

kimmyk said...

He's so handsome!

Good thing the photographer didn't take no for the answer.

Anonymous said...

At least he's smiling!

Thumbelina's Mom said...


Susie said...

Gorgeous child.

eclectic said...

Hi Max! Hi William!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your mom and stepblog - future world leader for sure. In fact....with his hair nicely combed, he looks like a very young Trump. Only mind numbingly cuter.

Laughing my ass off at sandbox phonics. If I were the little girl's mother, I totally would've run away.