We have been a video game free house. Not by choice or design, because I love video games, but more because the kids never showed interest or asked for any types of video game system. Then Max broke his leg. The very generous people at my job all chipped in and bought Max a Nintendo DS.
I wished I would have video taped the past three days of Max and his DS. The recording would have provided a documentary on the early signs of addiction. I Googled "signs of addiction" and they include the following.
*Extreme hyperactivity and excessive talking
*Change in overall attitude/personality
*Loss of interest in things that were important before
*Loss of interest in family and friends
*Unexplained silliness or giddiness
*Difficulty in paying attention and forgetfulness
*Lack of motivation
*Unexplained moodiness and irritability
*Defensiveness/temper tantrums.
Maxfield is totally addicted to the DS.
In other news the Signs of Addiction also describe the typical behavior of three year old.
Aaaaaaaannnd.... the floodgates fly open. Your "Entertainment" budget category just became a line-item.
Have fun, Max! Almost makes the broken leg worth it. ;)
It does sort of make birthday gift giving easier from now on... they always "need" a new game!
time to buy the Wii.
I like his belly button
accckkkk...the DS...it has been the subject of much discussion lately in my life...LOL
can i just say...LOVE the mom "tatoo" on the cast!
There's a twelve step program for that. I've just enrolled Owen for the Wii one!
Once the door is open, it can never be shut!!
I'm very sorry about Max!
Here's a tip: buy used games from places like Game Crazy. They are a lot less and they guarantee them!
I love my DS (and Wii).
you are a pleasure to read, i love your heartfelt honesty and i am right there with you I have a 3 year old daughter, still say it is better than 2 but not by much. I am following you. So excited I am really finding a great bunch of blogs I like and aspire to grow in your direction
William, I love your writing. You drew me right in with this one. A shared experience and then finished with a reality check that was so funny! #1 Fan, E
Eating, sleeping and breathing finish a distant second to Lego Batman in this house...
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