You look awesome! Just like the seventh grader I remember. The only man alive that looks good with facial hair is Tom Selleck. Remember when Dad grew his mustache, so he would look like Tom. I hated it! He couldn't figure why I like the stache on Tom Selleck and not him. it just didn't work! My boys look so much better clean shaven... but they all like the scruff and the goatees and the mustaches. I can't stand it. You look fabulous, William. You make a Mom proud!!!!
I have to admit that I'm a sucker for a sexy stache or beard ... well... you look 10 years younger. And that's coming from a brand new Nana who is probably older than you. I just turned 41, my hubs turns 50 in April and our 19 year old just had a baby! Trust me, you look great!!!!
I think momo9 just said she likes you best! I prefer clean shaven too. Ever since Dr. Harold Shipman, who sported a beard, they kind of creep me out. Did you/can you select the word verifications? Mine is 'shaver'. Coincidence or spooky?
Holy crap that's amazing. I mean, I knew it to be a fact, since I've seen you beardless and know you look much younger. I've seen this happen with other men I know too. I'm a big fan of the baby face.
A friend and I were walking with my wife and baby daughter Sunday and I chatted with a guy who looked a lot like you. It didn't occur to me at the time, though.
Were you walking around the old airfield in Warminster on Sunday?
I know we are really close friends, you're like a brother to me. So I feel like I can be honest and you will not be creeped out or offended.... I like the beard. I am not a huge fan of facial hair, but it looked so right on you. Not that you aren't smokin' hot without it. I just prefer your face with it. Are you hurt? Offended? Irritated? Well get over it and stop acting like a girl. Grow it back!
You look good with the scruff, but you look at least 5 yrs younger with out it. :)
I agree - you look much younger without the beard. Of course, you look nice either way. :-)
YEAH, you got a baby face.
Looks good!
You look awesome! Just like the seventh grader I remember. The only man alive that looks good with facial hair is Tom Selleck. Remember when Dad grew his mustache, so he would look like Tom. I hated it! He couldn't figure why I like the stache on Tom Selleck and not him. it just didn't work! My boys look so much better clean shaven... but they all like the scruff and the goatees and the mustaches. I can't stand it. You look fabulous, William. You make a Mom proud!!!!
Wait till you see, it'll be back tomorrow! momo9
check under Shaker Law, I left a comment on the wrong blog! Was I paying attention or what? Sicko
The age you look now is more appropriate for the Mickey Mouse Shirt you are wearing.
Who will play Santa now at the mall?
Did you get closer to the mirror or did your face swell after shaving?
Warning: objects in the mirror are more feminine than they appear.
Dude, like I said. Timewarp. Welcome back to your early 30's!
I have to admit that I'm a sucker for a sexy stache or beard ... well... you look 10 years younger. And that's coming from a brand new Nana who is probably older than you. I just turned 41, my hubs turns 50 in April and our 19 year old just had a baby! Trust me, you look great!!!!
I think momo9 just said she likes you best!
I prefer clean shaven too. Ever since Dr. Harold Shipman, who sported a beard, they kind of creep me out.
Did you/can you select the word verifications? Mine is 'shaver'.
Coincidence or spooky?
Seriously, you do look 10 year younger!
You're like that Benjamin Button character. Yes, I think it did add some years to your life.
WOW! That is crazy. I wish I looked that much better when I shaved. . .
Nice. I've been considering the same thing. Glad to know the world doesn't end when the beard goes.
i'm all confused...when will you be posting the "after" photos?!
definitely removes, not adds, years
You just shaved 5-10 years off your looks (although, just sayin', the beard was nice).
Why oh why don't my legs look younger when I shave them??
My dh says he is going to grow his hair long when we retires; I just keep telling him how young he looks right after a fresh military cut.
You look like you're 12 years old without the facial hair. Heh.
LOVE it! Holy cow, you look at least 10 years younger.
Looking pretty young and hot.
Younger, but not quite as 'Distinguished'. LOL.
you just aged our bathroom sink by 10 years.
Drano works like a charm!
My dad shaved his mustache when I was four. I didn't believe he was my father until he grew it was very traumatic.
I think you look better with the facial hair....not that it matters...just an honest opinion.
Is it still possible to be a stalker without the beard? I'm thinking no.
WoW! You may have to be carded!
I like the beard.....
also, would you PLEASE, PLEASE change your sidebar "nutrition information" to THREE kids!?!?!?
Holy crap that's amazing. I mean, I knew it to be a fact, since I've seen you beardless and know you look much younger. I've seen this happen with other men I know too. I'm a big fan of the baby face.
I like how you go from grey-bearded and slight frown, to clean shaven and smiling.
A friend and I were walking with my wife and baby daughter Sunday and I chatted with a guy who looked a lot like you. It didn't occur to me at the time, though.
Were you walking around the old airfield in Warminster on Sunday?
I know we are really close friends, you're like a brother to me. So I feel like I can be honest and you will not be creeped out or offended.... I like the beard. I am not a huge fan of facial hair, but it looked so right on you. Not that you aren't smokin' hot without it. I just prefer your face with it. Are you hurt? Offended? Irritated? Well get over it and stop acting like a girl. Grow it back!
That was like going back in a time machine. Both are nice looks, though. If you like the scruff, grow it back!
It accentuates your crazy eyes!
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