I know my last post was about the bounce house but I found it hysterical that this past weekend our neighbor had a birthday party for one of her grandchildren and she had a bigger bounce house in her shed. Both of my kids refused to use our bounce house.

They stood at the fence all weekend and coveted our neighbor's things.

Apparently size does matter.
Too funny. I guess the grass is greener....er,....the bouncy is bigger on the other side of the fence.
Because honestly, both your lawns look super green. Does Lawn Whisperer approve?
Bounce House Envy. Who knew?
It's totally male genetics. They know that size does matter...
This cracks me up. I'm thankful I don't know what sort of goodies my neighbor has over there.
That was so funny! We don't have that problem because we have block fences. But then again none of us know are neighbors and are always shocked when they are arrested for running a prostitution ring or meth lab or drop house. "We had no idea! They seemed like nice normal people." The pros and cons of privacy I guess.
you = cracks me up. "coveted our neighbors' things." ha! but, the real questions are, did they steal thy neighbors' things? did they commit adultery against thine own jumpy thing?
A bounce in the hand is worth two bounces in the bush, or something. Nevermind, this comment is definitely going down the wrong path, especially since they're boys. . .
That's what she said.
Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday!!
oh man... your poor kids. You guys are SO mean... ;)
Hahahaha! At least their ears will be safe now, eh?
That is hilarious! LOL
Wow, you guys have an awesome yard! I wish our's was that big. And FLAT! Our's (front and back) is all tiered and stupid. What we get for buying a house built into a hill with an ocean view I guess, eh??
We would have a bounce house too if there weren't a weight limit.
Darn scales.
Same reason we don't have a trampoline...7 kids fighting to get on it....it would just sag and there would be the end of the fun.
The Maid
Injuries. Jealousy. Disappointment. I love the world of children's toys. Get them a couple black market big wheels with the illegal spinout break and they'll forget all about bouncy houses.
So whatya going to do now? You have to get something else bigger and better than theirs.
Those poor boys.......
If the kids won't use it, I think you and Lauren should bust out the water hose and dish soap on it. That sounds like a grand old time.
Of course it does...lol!
Boys like that grow up to be guys that look over while using the urinal. Break the habit now!
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