“Ahhh. Oh my god, Oh my God.” She yelled.
“What is it?” My mom asked.
“Get it off. Get it off.” Sharon said. She turned her leg towards me and begged. “Bill get it off me.”
I looked at her lower leg and slightly skeeved out. “In a minute.” I said. “I want to take a picture first.”
“What?” She screamed.
“I need a picture for the blog.”
I retrieved my camera from the other room. I took a few pictures. And then I removed the thing from her leg.
Apparently these things live out by my parent’s garden. It must have climbed onto my sisters shoe and up her leg while she was outside.

One time I was walking and somehow got one caught between the bottom of my foot and my sandal. It went squish all between my toes and foot and sandal. Major yuck! Wish I had a pic for the blog!
And this one is much prettier than our nasty gray FL slugs.
I would have passed out had I been your sister. Here's some Slug Trivia for you:
The slugs (which are hermaphroditic) have relatively large penises which wrap around each other in a tight spiral. They can have difficulty separating afterwards. Should that be the case, the solution is for the slug to gnaw off either its own, or its partner's penis, making separation possible. No replacement penis grows. The apophallated slug adopts a purely female function.
Interesting, huh?
*dry heave*
Did you pour salt on it?
Nice . . .
Had I been your sister you'd be dead and I'd be indicted!
she has more guts than I! I would've moved so fast the slugs outer covering would've come off.
I live in Oregon. Slugs are our state animal. We have one beauty known as the Banana slug... two guesses what color it is! I couldn't help thinking that must have been a long smoke... slugs aren't known for their speediness.
The life of a TRUE BLOGGER!!!! Photograph anything!!!! It's only a bloody slug, your sister is a wuss for sure! Now if it had been a spider I would have been screaming holy blue murder! And I would not have sat still for a photo either! I'm surprised she didn't whack ya one for making her keep it there!
if someone had an alien sucking on their face and eating their insides you would take a picture for your blog first, right?
Am I right?
I am curious how your sister did not feel what is obviously a 14 foot long slug on her leg.
You are a truly horrible brother. And an outstanding (award-winning, even) blogger. ;)
Perfect post title on that one.
OMG, that is gross! But that last picture is awesome.
We have those everywhere here. Sucks when you step on them in the dark and slip on their guts. Or whatever it is that oozes out when you crush one.
I think they are cute! I think your sister is a wuss too!! LOL But I guess things like that just gross some people out.
I personally think it is CUTE!
now that's brotherly love! but seriously, those are the best pictures of a slug i've ever seen but how did she not feel the slug climb up her leg?
That's why I don't smoke.
You are a mean ass!!
I would have died. Right then and there.
Either that or I would have shook my leg so hard it would have become dislocated from my hip. On top of that...I would have kicked everyone in the room (including the furniture and all breakables) in my attempt to kick the damn thing off of my leg.
I'm proud of your sister at the restraint she had...holding still while you took a FREAKIN' PICTURE!
Although...I probably would have stayed still too...because I would have been unconscious on the floor.
Oh my goodness. I can't believe she WAITED FOR YOU TO TAKE A PICTURE of that thing.
Ali's comment cracked me up.
EW EW EW!!!!
You are such a SWEET brother.
I was going to comment quickly but I had to vomit first...I can't say anything clever...I'm still shaking.
That is seriously the coolest slug I have ever seen. It's so BIG! They're tiny here in Indiana.
OK, I probably would have been startled and freaked at first. But then it would have turned into a science lesson :)
Delurking to say while slugs are disgusting and nasty, I'd trade you one slug for the 6-12 cockroaches that we find scampering across our back patio every morning from May to
mid-August here in Las Vegas.
Nasty, dirty, gross, yuck!
Nice. Brother. With borthers like you, who needs mortal enemies?
It looks like a homeless snail. EWW. I think that is way worse than a spider, and only second to a silverfish, which have too many legs for their own good. again, EWW.
I'm sorry, not a silverfish, I meant a house centipede. Double EWW.
My siblings think I'm crazy because I am always writing down blog ideas. you take the "live to blog" idea to the extreme!
What bossy said - only more.
No means no. Get it off me means NOW!!!!
Gross is right!! EWWWW!
She's a lot nicer to you than I would be if I were your sister. I'd have pulled the thing off and dropped it down your shirt. ;)
is that a leech or a slug? that is what determines my grossed-out-ed-ness.
UGH! I hate those things with a passion..and I can't believe you made her wait till you got photos. That's the sign of a true blogger and a real brother there..LOL
That happened to me once. I was out on my deck and looked down to see a slug crawling up my leg. I was disgusted - picked it off and threw it across the yard.
Two months later I went out onto my deck, look down and see the same slug.
It looks up at me and says "Hey - what the hell's YOUR problem?"
that thing is enormous! I would have freaked as well. i can not stand slugs!
BTW thanks for the comments about my step-monster. I concurr.
The last time I saw something that gross on someones ankle was an onch tattoo !!!
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