Friday, September 14, 2007


Recently, I started to make the beds in the morning. Making the bed is one of those pain in the ass chores that just does not make sense to me. I mean, why make it in the morning, you’re just going to sleep in it that night anyway right? Fix it right before you get into bed. Anyway, I am just trying to help Lauren out.

But I am somewhat confused by Maxfield’s blankets. His blanket has the image of Thomas the Tank Engine on it. I have noticed that when Lauren makes up his bed she places the cover so the image is viewable from the foot of the bed. It looks nice and presentable to anyone entering the room.

I, however, think that the blanket should be placed so that it is viewable from the head of the bead. Meaning that if Max is in bed, with his head on the pillow he can look down and see Thomas staring back up at him. The way Lauren fixes it, when Max looks down, Thomas is upside down.

The way I see it, Thomas is on the blanket for Max, so he should have the best angle.

How would you make it?


Nature Girl said...

I'd make it like Lauren does, but your way actually makes more sense to me.'s that for neutral? Have a great weekend.

Nilbo said...

Make it the way Lauren does, except have a neat fold at the top so that Thomas is facing the right way.

Or, you know, stop being such a girlie man and just make the damn bed already. Unless he sees in the dark, it ain't gonna matter.

Unknown said...

Bwhahah, Nilbo's comment cracks me up. Do it that way. ;)

You could always ask Maxfield how he likes it. :)

Patience said...

If you made it the way most husbands make it, you'd make a mess out of it so The Wife would decide it would be better to just do it herself!

Moi said...

Because I am completely insane, I would make the best so Thomas faces out (for appearances, you know), and then when I tucked the boy in, I would turn it around so he could see Thomas.

Told you ... insane.

Moi said...

That should say make the BED. Gah.

Denise B. said...

By habit, I'd make it the way Lauren does. However, as Isaac gets older, I'm beginning to do stuff more your way. For instance, I put his Little Einsteins bandaid on him upside down the other day, so he could look down at his leg and see Rocket clearly.

Anonymous said...

When I actually make it- he still naps so it's even more insane to make the bed when he goes in it halfway through the day too- I make it like Lauren and Lightning McQueen faces the door - not Liam.

But I do out the band-aid so he can see the Big Red Car. Hm.

Charlotta-love said...

It's like toilet paper. Does it roll from the top or the bottom. Depends on who changes the roll.

Same thing with the bed. Whoever makes it decides.

sari said...

Get something with no discernable pattern, then it doesn't matter.

(I do it the way Lauren does - but probably just by habit).

OhTheJoys said...

Dr. Joys best Marriage Advise Ever:

Lauren is always right.

Best wishes for a long and happy marriage!!


Anonymous said...

I would make it the way Lauren does. When Max is in the bed, you want his eyes to be closed--not looking down at Thomas.

Tamara B said...

make it to show it off!.

And you're questioning of making the bed, the same could be said for brushing your teeth, showering, etc. Why brush your teeth if you're just going to eat again in a few minutes? But we still brush our teeth, right? My husband doesn't understand that theory either - only his is with laundry. Why take it out of the clean laundry basket and put it away if you're just going to wear it again this week

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't. We never make our bed.

Kami said...

Lauren's way.

Anonymous said...

I would make the bed with the naked woman under the covers.

theotherbear said...

I'd make it the way Lauren does. Although your way makes a startling amount of sense. Sort of.

Michelle said...

I wouldn't make it at all. Haven't you heard about dustmites? The best news I ever heard was that making your bed gives dustmites a breeding ground, so allergists recommend that you do not cover your bed with a blanket. Saves me hours each week!

Lowa said...

I do things more the way that you do. My husband makes fun of me. I put sheets on the bed so that the pattern is facing the person sleeping in the bed. It was the way my mother always did and makes sense to me. Why face the sheets so that the faded inside part faces you and no one at all sees the nice bright side because it is covered by the blankets/comforter??

As for the top comforter or blanket or whatever, I agree with you. It is FOR your son, so he should be the one who gets it like he likes. My sons put their's on all different ways. If anyone went in their room they may think it looks funny, but to me, it is the child's. They are the ones who should decide.

I also see no sense in making beds and seldom do so. Hubby and I just got a GORGEOUS expensive bed set that I LOVE. I try to make it some days, just because it looks so pretty. Mostly I don't because it seems pointless to me. Too much work at night when I am tired to undo it all. I have better things to do with my time!!

Chris H said...

Same what you wife does ya dork! When the kid gets into bed he's going to sleep eh? But all day if you pass by the room you can see it the 'right' way up eh? Hey, don't take offence at being called a dork, I mean it in a nice way!!!

Jenny said...

This is why I like this blog--I've thought about this same issue myself. I make it the way Lauren does but always wonder if I should turn the Thomas blanket the other way.

Like others said, I DO turn his bandaids upside down so he can see them...but he's awake when this goes on, so...

Anyway, love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I have the same views on making the bed. It seems like I would feel like I was tidier if I would just make them all the time, but it is kinda like transferring dinner from the pan to a serving bowl to the plate. Now you have added that middle dish for no reason at all except to clean it, lol. Have a great weekend!

eclectic said...

I'd just teach him to make it himself, and then close the door. ;)

Stepping Over the Junk said...

so it faces the child in bed. That's how it is in our house, only because my little ones insist that Strawberry Shortcake and Hello Kitty (on their blankets) are "watchin' them sleep". That comes from my doing that when they say they are scared, years ago I turned the blanket that way for that they are watched over by Strawberry Shortcake and Hello Kitty. Visually though, it would look better facing the room but I just do what works for the kids so they'l flippin' go to sleep.

lattégirl said...

I'm sure you care much more than Max does. Not a big deal, in the greater scheme of things.

The Egel Nest said...

I think I would probably end up putting it on sideways...I am terrible at making beds!

The Egel Nest

Christie said...

I make it the way Lauren does too. And making beds is not a waste of time - it makes people think you're not a slob ;)

BTW - you're hilarious and I added you to my blogroll. Hope thats ok.

Anonymous said...

Does Batman face up or down on your bed?

Unknown said...

Hmmm. I think you should make it the way Lauren makes it because that's what I would want my husband to do. But, I'll take any help I can get, so regardless of HOW it gets done, I'm happy if it's DONE. Choose wisely, Grasshopper.

Gale said...

I would make Lauren do do you have the same dilemma with how to hang the toilet paper???

david hayes said...

Upside down, so there's no need to worry about the train. And I also never got making the bed.

Lois Lane said...

Yeah only you said, "I am just trying to help Lauren out" and that is uncool, plus, also wrong, and besides, furthermore etcetera the way she does it makes it INVITING.

You are inviting your child to bed not entertaining him once he is in there. Sheesh!

Can you guess what my biggest husband pet peeve is???? When my old man does something, anything... in the house we ALL live in, and claims he is HELPING ME out.

Stupid boys. :P

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)