Monday, June 11, 2007

A year already?

They say "time flies", "they grow up so fast", etc. etc. Man it is amazing how true those statements are. Especially since I started keeping the blog and can look back at what I wrote and when.

Like this for instance. Can you believe that was a year ago? For the full story click here, here, and here.

Happy Birthday Wyatt Blue!


Anonymous said...

Found your blog recently and have enjoyed catching up in the archives. Husband and I have laughed long and hard to some of your posts. We're 1st time parents of twins (13 months) and MAN can we relate to what you write. Thanks! Keep up the great work. And Happy Birthday, Wyatt!

Anonymous said...

From the Godfather of soil to the Godfather of soiled diapers. Happy Birthday Wyatt Blue.

Teri said...

No way, a year already? Holy Crap!

Happy Birthday, Wyatt. You look just like your mommy! Thank God. : )

Anonymous said...

Whoa... I think I started reading your blog about that time.
Enjoy these years, they are the BEST!

Happy Birthday Wyatt!!

Stepping Over the Junk said...

Is that PINK frosting??? They have such cute little faces. I looked back and saw a pic of your wife kissing the newborn and it appeared she still was in the hospital and I can't believe that she looked like she'd just been at the spa after giving birth! (where I looked like I had been run over by a truck after eating ten pounds of Twinkies)

Doc's Girl said... cute. :) Happy Birthday!

Patience said...

Happy, happy birthday Wyatt!!!

mrtl said...

Happy Birthday, Wyatt!

eclectic said...

Wow! Time flies, doesn't it?! He's well on his way to raising your insurance rates when he gets that drivers license. Enjoy. ;)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Wyatt Blue!!

Great frosting picture... but shouldn't the frosting have been blue? ;)

Li'l Foot's Mommy said...

Happy Birthday Wyatt!!!

I just recently stumbled on your blog while checking out the blogger awards site...I voted for you!! You are hysterical!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to the little man!

mommiebear2 said...

He is sooooo adorable! Happy Bday!!

Ern said...

Aaah, it's going to get in his eye! Happy birthday, Wyatt.

Nature Girl said...

Happy Birthday Wyatt Blue!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Wyatt Blue with the gorgeous brown eyes. Many more days of cake smearing ahead!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe it's been a year already! I'm so glad we got to share the first days and months of his life with you guys. We miss you all so much!

Love from Orlando!!!

thethinker said...

Adorable pictures!

Unknown said...

Awwwwwww! Has it really been a year?!?! Happy birthday to all!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Wyatt!

Kami said...


Effie said...

happy b-day Wyatt! That cake looked like it was gooood!

Maddy said...

Birthdays are the best.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Wyatt!

Chris H said...


carrie said...

Happy Birthday to a handsome boy!


Spilling Ink said...

He's beautiful!!!

Missy said...

Is your wife still making those cute shirts? I want one with an "E"...

Happy birthday to Wyatt!