Friday, January 19, 2007


Discuss amongst yourselves.


Anonymous said...

am I supposed to see the bum, or the thing to the right of the bum?

Anonymous said...

Things like this go for thousands of dollars on ebay....


sari said...

The Potato, tired of being seen as the "safe vegetable", tries something new. Kind of the "Sandy Olsson" makeover in Grease where she finally decides she'll have to do what it takes to get that Danny Zuko, but with a Parental Warning sticker.

Susie said...

initial reaction:
*gasp* William!!!!

That is all.

Anonymous said...

I have a dirty mind.

I will not discuss on a family site. : )

Stepping Over the Junk said...

that's appetizing

Character Builder said...

Yep. Looks like ass.

Character Builder said...
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Michelle said...

A friend of mine recently showed me a picture drawn by her 5 year old son - it was supposed to be a pair of scissors, but looked remarkably similar to your studly spud.

Kat said...

Now that is funny. :P

Anonymous said...

Somewhere, Mr. Potato Head is like, "Aw, dammit. Honey! Have you seen my--"

JP said...

Submit it to the Philly Museum of Art. "Asstraction in Potatoe"

Also I wonder why the word verification I had to type was "fuuuuakspz" Too funny!!!

Lois Lane said...

*Innocent look* Geez what a swell Yam!

Okay, all I want to know is, did you pick that out???? Hahahahaha!
Have a great weekend you Veggie Tale Pervert!

Charlotte in Pa said...

Huh. I didn't think it was a butt at all. I guess I'M the pervert. This is fantastic. Thanks, William!

Just Jan said...

LOL...Hmmm...wonder why these are my favorite potatoes...LOL

Unknown said...

Oh. My. Goodness...

Anonymous said...

wow, i don't know what to say. what an imagination. though it does just kinda jump out at you doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

This is just wrong....from so many different angles!!

Anonymous said...

Buckyyyyyyyy!! Get over here! William's got rude taters! ;)

Kandice said...


Michelle said...

wow, I am speechless. Ebay it!

islandarts said...

Oh my word. Mother nature trying her hand at creating some perfection???

Anonymous said...

I know a couple of your readers will need that for their Blog blowout or their Rack Tuesday or something. They will not be using it to cut into fries.

Anonymous said...

No... I definately did not see buttocks at first. Did Lauren see this ??? Please check to see if the electic mixer is still in the drawer.

Andrea said...

C'mon, you photoshopped that, right?

kimmyk said...

You got any cinnamon and sugar and butter at your house to go with that potato? what about some iced tea? I'll take that to go please. Oh yeah, Thank you!

eclectic said...

Well, that's going to ruin the cucumber's reputation, for sure.

Unknown said...


(I'm also gigglin' at "rude taters"!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's quite a tuber.

Anonymous said...

That is somethin' else...obviously.

Anonymous said...

It's a sweet patootie! How wonderful...mamabrown

One Hot Mama said...

A sweet potato? Looks more like a banana ;-)

Anonymous said...

It's definitely in the "eye" of the beholder! Your fellow bloggers make me laugh! Get it off the counter, place it on the couch. Then it would have been a real couch potatoe. I know you were looking for something else. It's all I have to offer. I'm crackin' up at all the comments.

Anonymous said...

Holy hell, somebody grab a mop! What's the dangler between the beans supposed to be?

Anonymous said...

What's with the tail above the bum? Other than that, I would say that it made quite the beautiful nude statue...

Anonymous said...

This is too perfect...

I have a little bean on the way, and my pregnancy calendar compared the size of the baby at this stage to a large sweet potato. The little hiney on this thing is too much!

Nature Girl said...

Hey! It looks like...hold on...I can't be sure, lemme check... have the same kitchen countertops that we do!