Last week, while at MOPS, Max was stabbed with a fork near his eye by some two year old girl. I believe they were arguing over who is the best Little Einstein when she broke out her plastic fork and attacked. The ladies in charge of the kids said Max cried but he did not ask for his mommy and he handled it very well.
You cannot really see it in this picture but the scratch goes from right under his left eye all the way to his ear.
I think the girl likes him.
Wow, who knew Moppets could be so dangerous! (That's what they call MOPS childcare.)
oh she totally likes him!
Fork in the eye? Of course she likes him - wait until he gets older!!!!
I argue about that stuff all the time.
It gets pretty heated, too.
He should be happy it was only a plastic fork.
Better start making wedding plans.
Max has a girlfriend!!
Keep that tramp away from our Max!! LOL!
M.O.P.S. = Mean & Onry Poking-eyeball Sluts
* Lois rethinks comment four times... says hell with it... hits send.......
WHOA! Yeah, she digs him.
That little girl should never be allowed to board a plane.
I'll take the obvious...
It can only mean one thing..
Max is Done.
Maybe he should start pulling her ponytail. You know, to get her back. *nudge, nudge*
A fork in the eye is worth two in the ???
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Glad to see Max's studliness is already being appreciated at such a tender age.
That's how I let a guy know I like him, too. So what's so strange about that?
So that's why I never get asked out.
Wow scary thankfully she did not hit those beautiful blue eyes!
She totally likes him!
Oh wow....it's started! She so likes him. Wonder what he'll do to let her know he likes her too.
How appropriate. Rocky 6 came out today. I heard he fights a three year old with a plastic fork as well.
Oh how sweet, she's obviously besotted. I went around for years initiating contact with guys I liked by attacking them with plastic forks but it was taken rather less well once I turned 7. Let's hope she gradutaes to puching him in the arm soon.
I'm glad his eye was OK and he still looks gorgeous. :0)
His first lesson in the stabbing pains of love.
(I like this photo of him because I can see how he looks like both you and Lauren.)
Wow! I do see that scratch back to his ear! That little so and so should be expelled from MOPS! Get her out of there! Now! Don't they check the backpacks before entering the play room? Something should be done, The fact that he didn't cry, doesn't make it any less the crime. he is brave! She is a terror! Poor Max! Where are the mothers while this is happening? I know I'm the grandmother, but eyes should be on these little ones. Expel her!
She forked him? I'm thinking someone needs anger management classes!
It's most definitely a crush! I was once stabbed in the ear with a pencil by a boy who had a crush on me!! I let it go coz i kinda liked him too... That was in 1st Grade! The pencil graphite is still visible in my ear!!
Why, oh, why is it always an eye injury? I have four kids and I'll never understand why it always has to involve an eye when a little kid goes off.
Did he ask for a BB Gun for Christmas?
Max get more handsome every day. Thank God she didn't stab him in those beautiful blue eyes.....she probably does have a crush on him, what little girl wouldn't, but hey, don't stab him, kiss him...
I hope the mother beat her senseless
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