Friday, April 28, 2006

Under the bus.

I had a short trip back to Philadelphia for business. I was flying in at night, two days of meetings and flying back out at night. I didn’t tell friends and too many family members because I was going to be working the entire time. However, I do work with the LawnWhisperer and I made arrangements to stay with him since we would be at all the same meetings. He of course mentions it to my brother Jim, who then had to tell my Mom that I was going to be in town (thrown under the bus #1) and that I was NOT going to be staying with her (under the bus # 2). My mom, of course, calls me to ask why I don’t love her.

While I was there, I stopped by my parent’s for a visit. They were not home. I called my dad’s cell phone to see where they might be. They were on their way to a birthday party. While I was on the phone with my dad, my mom sitting next to him, he says to me, “So where are you staying tonight?”

“I am staying with LawnWhisperer.”

Without missing a beat, junst to make my mom think I do not love her, he says “Oh you are staying at your in-laws. Tell them we said hello.” (under the bus #3).

I finally get back down to Florida to see that LawnWhisperer posts a story about my sleeping habits. (Under the bus #4.)

The wheels on the bus go round and round….


Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just can't win.

I live just north of Philadelphia, and think that your trip was just the right amount of time to spend there.


Anonymous said...! Nobody can throw you under a bus like family can. Great story about you by the LawnWhisperer. Care to defend yourself?

Unknown said...

Gotta love family... or at least tolerate them...

lawnwhisperer said...

You are going out for sympathy as if you have never thrown any of us under the bus. Shame on you.

Effie said...

you shoulda stayed at your mom's

Moms are sensitive that way

I know--my mom is JUST like that!

Greta Adams said...

oooohhhh that's what happens when you don't stay with the momster

kimmyk said...

Now you're going to have to make a special trip back to Phillie just to stay with the 'rents.

There are times when I go home I don't tell my parents though too..cause you just don't have enough time and then I don't know about yours but if I can't spend enough time they give me grief. Just can't win.

Mother's Day is just around the corner....this is your one shot for her to realize you love her more than the LawnWhisperer.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

LOL your dad is a riot! Ha

Sharpie said...

That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? Or meaner? Or maybe that's just my family... lol.

Odd Mix said...

Family can be so cruel. Of course, family might also have the most reason to be cruel.

The Q said...

So um, why do you sleep with the lights on and your head under the covers?

AND how does Laruen sleep if you leave the light on at home?

Michelle said...

Ouch. Spending so much time under that bus must have hurt. I understand sleeping with the lights on and covers over your head. The covers go over your head so the spiders can't get you. The lights stay on so you can find your way to the bathroom without stepping on said spiders. Makes sense to me!

Unknown said...

I am seeing some serious family resemblance from your dad and brothers.

BILL! I just read LW's blog and discovered that he lives just down the street from me. Next time you stay with him me AND TBG are taking you guys out for a beer. Got it? GOOD.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot - now I've got that dang bus song rolling round and round, round and round in my head.

Tammy said...

You have to watch anyone who has the word "whisperer" in their name. They are all earthy and honest and shit.

Nature Girl said...

Aw Bill...if it makes you feel any better, I sleep with the lights on while DH is gone too....I dim them mind you...and I don't bury my head under the blankets, but I do sleep with the lights on. I read one too many Dean Koontz novels and now I'm afraid of the dark.

Anonymous said...

The Whisperer goes to to the Gym in order to stay in shape to throw people under the bus. How is ET with that Bright Light, Bright Light.

Redneck Mommy said...

Gotta love family. Sounds like you spent a lot of time under that there bus...

Anonymous said...


The number 5 bus should be coming any minute.

Drama Mama said...

LOVE one can humiliate you as much....

Anonymous said...

Now this just made my day to read.

