I have been teaching Maxfield a useful game. It is our version of 3 Card Monty or the Shell Game.

Look closely, he is putting the ball under the Yellow Bowl.

But by using slight of hand the ball is not under the yellow bowl.

It is under the pink one. After a few more lessons I will be taking him out on the street to hustle some tourists.
You and the boy are quite ingenius. I think with the boys cuteness and talent the tourists won't know what hit em. Also, it doesn't hurt to make a few extra bucks for his college education.
lmao, too cute
Very cute - and tallented, to boot!
Bring him to DC! You'll find LOOOOOOOTTTTSSSS of tourists right now. Stinking, poorly dressed, seat stealing, lane blocking, blank staring, doorway standing tourists. Am I sounding bitter here?
Honey - quick get the kids....
Considering that last year my kids had a Kool-Aid stand and made $30 bucks - I think we can pay the mortgage with this one....
That is so very cute, and yet so very wrong.
Man I gotta teach Nate that game. That Max is soooooo cute.
Well yeah! How else are you going to pay for the kids' college?
Too funny.
Think I could teach my cats how to do this? (note: Bella and Stinxy do not - like your precious little cutey patooty - have oposable thumbs).
Yeah but can he shoot dice dude?
Teach 'em that and he'll pay his way through college.
Have him flash those baby blues and blink those insanely long eyelashes and NO ONE will notice what bowl he put it under...TRUST ME! :-)
Ah, some quick cash. Smart idea. And, if his college fund ever falls short, you know he'll be ok!
Honestly, can he get any cuter? Stacie
How come there are no red bowls ? You are always so PC. I am surprised that you left out blue bowls. You're neighbors might complain.
This is parenting at it's finest. Think of the skills you are teaching him: hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and of course, how to provide for himself when the proverbial chips are down! Well done! And he's so cute!
Nicely done. Don't forget poker though. My kids learned very early on, um, my youngest was probably 5 or so. Never too soon to learn to say "all in!" :)
Also make sure he can cry on que. Will work wonderfully when someone walks by and doesn't want to give him the money because they are 'on to him'--good luck with that and be sure to take 10%.
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