William is out today. Today's guest Blogger is, The One, The Only, The most Beautiful woman in the world and the best wife a guy could have. LAUREN
Is Dis...... DA?? As any parent knows, a toddlers many developmental milestones are a source for extreme joy, endless frustration, and at times, downright
terror. Maxfield is certainly no exception to this rule (although, at times it seems he has more than his fair share in the terror department). Everyday, he is learning new things, new phrases, new ways to move his body, new PLAYTHINGS on his body. And having a grand ol' time exploring it all. However, for the past six months or so, he has been plagued by the same eternal question:
"Is dis... da?"
Now I ask myself, how is it that a 19 month old child can learn in a few short minutes, "What does an owl say?"
"Hoo, hoo", he responds with amazing clarity. I, however, after six months, am still perplexed by the ever ambiguous, "Is dis...da?"
I wrack my brain with the details of this little phrase, searching for clues into the psyche of my child. When does he say it? What is he doing when he says it? What does it sound like he could be saying? The truth is, he could be doing
anything when he says it. There is no recognizable correlation between events/activities and said phrase. This morning, he picked up my checkbook while I was doing the bills, handed it to me, and said, "Is dis da?" Then, only a few short minutes later, while captivated by Elmo, he pronounced, "Is dis..... DAAAA!!!"
Now, there is the occasional variation, "Is dis... dis?", "Is dis... da, da, da,da?", but nothing that gives any more insight into this mystery question. Obviously, he is trying to communicate, but what is he saying? I have laid in bed many a night pondering possible translations:
"Is this dad?", "Is fish dead?","Juice the dog?"
Maybe we will never know, but in the meantime, I'm sticking with my favorite, "Is this love?
(Whitesnake music playing softly).