Friday, February 09, 2007

100 things

I never bothered to do the whole “100 things about me” that a lot of bloggers do.

This is something that, if I did have that list, would probably be on it.
I hate topiaries. Not the real ones that are the shape of an animal or a boat or something, but the fake ones that are just a ball of green on top of a stick. They are supposed to be decorative. I seriously hate them. What’s the point of a fake topiary?

Since I never did the whole "100 things about me", I am asking for some assistance. Please leave a comment, if you wish, with a little tidbit of information about me. Make it up. The funnier the better. If you know me in real life, feel free to leave something true as long as it is not too embarrassing or revealing. Lauren, Lawnwhisperer, Momo9, and anonymous may all have a field day with this.


Anonymous said...

I agree about the topiaries, what's the point? This is Lauren's doing isn't it?

Since you used to act in alot of plays in the Philadelphia area I believe you to be a famous actor but keeping it under wraps through this blog. I have my sources, you know..........

Anonymous said...

You sold shoes at Open Country.

Patience said...

You drink snot and apparently don't want your kid to play with his trains. :-D

Charlotte in Pa said...

Your middle name is Michelle.

Leighton @ My Best Investments said...

You long for the days when Wilford Brimley was the pitchman for your favorite beverage, Bartles & Jaymes.

Anonymous said...

I knew William back in the early nineties when he was an intelligence agent for the US government in Kuwait. This is, of course, before he was removed from his post for insisting that wearing lime green polyester bell bottoms was sufficient camouflage in the middle eastern desert.

Anonymous said...

Your favorite color is "nerple"

Anonymous said...

You like to put maple syrup on your sushi.

Anonymous said...

As a child you planted lollipop sticks in the hopes that a lollipop tree would grow. This was a success and you are now a lollipop tree magnate.

Leighton @ My Best Investments said...

You HATE the metric system.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

You fart in bed and then fluff the covers over your wifes head.

No wait...that's MY husband that does that.



(Found you by way of TKW blog...nice boogies you have here...:)

Anonymous said...

during months that have 5 Sundays...on the fifth Sunday, William speaks only in pig-latin.

Kami said...

On car trips from Orlando to PA, you wear diapers, so that you don't have to stop and use the gas station loos.

Anonymous said...

Your favorite beverage is Zima.

Unknown said...

Your idea of dressing sexay is a pair of brown plaid knickers and an old, faded concert t-shirt... and bare feet.

Anonymous said...

William has a third nipple

Anonymous said...

the last "anonymous" totally stole my knowledge of bill...that he has a nubbin! ::hrrmmphh!::

okay. well, another thing is that bill gets very cranky if his daily routine is interrupted or changed.

Queen Bee said...

William prefers his right foot and dresses it up with a light up shoe.

Susie said...

I really enjoy real topiaries. Don't see much point in fake ones; although I don't have quite the reaction to them that you do.

Ahem. For your list:
When you go to a party, you like to bring the donuts :)

Peanutt said...

I agree...out with the topiaries.
Or maybe in your 100 things we will read that YOU are the inventor of them????

Peanutt said...

I agree...out with the topiaries.
Or maybe in your 100 things we will read that YOU are the inventor of them????

Scottsdale Girl said...

You are a pathological hand washer

Peanutt said...

Ok, sorry about the doublepost...apparently I wanted to get my point across.

eclectic said...

William is an extraordinary bakery
deliveryman -- his specialty is donuts.

Kandice said...

When on the phone for work and attempting to tackle your nerves, you tap your pen in the four corners of your notepad. When you're done with that, you play with your binder clip, attaching it to the tip of your nose.

Anonymous said...

Bill has to poop whenever he is surrounded by books. He blames this on Maxfield.

Leighton @ My Best Investments said...

You think Rod Stewart should run for President.

Darren said...

Cool idea. You believe that in a former life you were Charles Dickens...which is why you take bad productions of A Christmas Carol so personally.

Tonia said...

You and your wife are swingers :)!

Andrea said...

You once met Madonna and kissed her on the cheek.

Jay said...

You don't like making 100 things about me lists.

Anonymous said...

When I was 7 I stole a pony from the county fair.

Idaho Dad said...

You've been saving your toenail clippings since 1989.

Just Jan said...

your undercover job is to go to banks/grocery stores and monitor the reactions of people when you purposefully don't step forward when the line moves (then report your findings to the government).

Leighton @ My Best Investments said...

You quit your last job because your boss kept using the word "irregardless".

31 and Tired!! said...

You are normal Dad by day and a hit man by night!

Anonymous said...

Bill, corn investigator extraordinaire (or is that porn?).

Anonymous said...

Sits to pee

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

i love this this is hysterical!

I am not as creative but here goes from reading your blog.

William likes to give and receive pillows for holidays!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

i love this this is hysterical!

I am not as creative but here goes from reading your blog.

William likes to give and receive pillows for holidays!

JP said...

You wear sneakers that light up and sign your credit card receipts with fictional names!

kimmyk said...

#45-When no ones around you stuff your junk between your legs and sing show tunes in the shower.

Judypatooote said...

William has played at the Comedy Club in Toledo Ohio....he was a big hit.....and all the girls were hitting on him.....sorry Lauren, I didn't want to tell you......LOL

Anonymous said...

Loves introducing himself as Genie Boy

Anonymous said...

Would rather read a comic book than bump and grind.

Anonymous said...

Could light up a smoke right now and then tell Lauren that someone else was smoking

Anonymous said...

Likes women to open doors for him

Anonymous said...

slept with one eye open from '84-'87. Checked under his car from '92-'99

Anonymous said...

loves theater chicks

Anonymous said...

hates pets but puts up with them because his wife said so

Anonymous said...

could drink any alcoholic beverage 80 proof and stronger and thinks of ice as a garnish.

Anonymous said...

wishes he was an only child to same sex parents

Anonymous said...

wishes Grey's anatomy was on every night.

Anonymous said...

can't wait to have a baby girl so that he can name her after a Somalian Philantropic 17th century artist

Anonymous said...

Thinks Mother Thersa was over-rated.

Anonymous said...

Thought that Superbowl 41 got in the way of all those great commercials.

Anonymous said...

Thats all I have to say about that.

Leighton @ My Best Investments said...

You wish McDonald's still sold the McDLT.

Anonymous said...

You have a bumper sticker that says "Can't Touch This"

Anonymous said...

You called your car the "bat mobile" and took it to the extreme. You used to wrap all of your gifts in trash bags until you met Lauren.

Michelle said...

You are in training for the Boston Marathon and plan to run under the assumed name of Mekka Lekka Hi Mekka Hiney Ho.

sari said...

What the heck was mecka lecka hi mecka hiney ho from? I can total chant it myself but am having complete mind block on where it's from.

William secretly has a Thomas the Train tattoo.

Anonymous said...

And you're allergic to the blue tatoo dye.

Anonymous said...

You were once a sperm. Not what you think!!!!

kimmyk said...


sari said...

never mind the mecka lecka hi, I googled it, I remember now.

How could I forget THAT?

Anonymous said...

Was in the My Name is.. Joe Commercial until it was pulled.

Meegs said...

You save all your belly button lint, and plan to knit a sweater from it when you have collected enough... which should happen sometime this year.

Ends every story with, "that's all I have to say about that."

Anonymous said...

You are the real father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Your childhood nickname was "Little Miss Muffet" because of your fear of siders.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

That should really say "spiders"...your fear of spiders.

Anonymous said...

You were the one who shaved Britany's head.