Saturday, January 27, 2007

A good afternoon

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Anonymous said...


Susie said...

Boing! Boing! Boing!

Lowa said...

I guess my mind is not as dirty as I thought!!!

I thought it was Max on a Rocking Horse or something. I wondered why he wasn't respsonding when you asked who his Daddy was and I also wondered why you would ask something like that!!! LOL

Wyatt is SO CUTE and getting SO BIG! LOVE his dark hair:)

Anonymous said...

Clean mind here I guess. I say to my wife, "Hey there's no picture.." and she says ya, "Listen to it", I say, "Oh", ... "OHHHH" LOL

Anonymous said...

I disavow myself of any familiarity with the previous poster...

Anonymous said...

you caught me!

Anonymous said...

That Johnny Jumper must have come with extra suspension.

Mindfully Moody said...

Didn't fool me but with a 4 month old of my own, that's kind of like cheating.

I actually thought 'shame he forgot to take the lens cap off cuz he must be doing something really cute :)'

The only loud noises coming from my bed in the middle of the night are Kaya madly nursing at 4am. *sigh*

Nilbo said...

I was thinking "With bedsprings that noisy, how do they have two kids?"

Jay said...


Candace said...

I have just recently found your blog and I have to say I really enjoy it! Great video unfortunately my mind didn't go to the gutter and neither did my DH's. I guess that is what having an 18 month old the house will do to you!

kimmyk said...

ha! I thought there was something wrong with my computer. It's Sunday-I'm clean!

I love those Johnny JumpUp things!

Effie said...

love it!

gotta get me one of those things...

Ern said...

Oh, my mind was right there in the gutter, even though I knew you wouldn't post THAT. I did, however, think something was wrong with my computer, as it has trouble with video sometimes.

(Also, I am partly laughing at this, and partly still at "Opee One Canpoopey".)

Michelle said...

picking my mind up out of the gutter now...

Anonymous said...

To me it sounded like you were teaching Max to saw wood.It sounded like the saw going back and forth. I hope you would have more passion in your voice, if you were doing the "wild thing" like you wanted everyone to think. Gottcha on this one. You didn't get me!!! Ha ha ha ha! Wyatt is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi William

Unknown said...

My mind wasn't in the gutter -- on the curb maybe, but not in the gutter.

Unknown said...

You're bad.

Anonymous said...

*snort* momo9 said "doing the wild thing.

Slinger said...

I too was thinking of one of the kids on a rocking horse or jumping on the bed. but that is hilarious.

Just Jan said...

I thought for certain the video didn't open right for me so I closed your page and tried again...LOL. I thought it was max doing something..I didnt even think of the jumper...those are sooo cool!!! sure didn't sound like "something" else.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

HILARIOUS! I could tell you were talking to a kid though...I had one of those jumpy things for my kids and it was shaped like an airplane and had a propeller and everything, they love those jumpies! Too cute!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

that is hysterical!

eclectic said...

Oh Bill... you are a caution.

Julie said...

The stuff you come up with is so great!

Anonymous said...

It never occurred to me it was anything but one of the kids, and you left the lens cap on by accident. That would be premium Bill. Because if that was your "Barry White" moments voice then this blog will never be enough therapy