Friday, January 05, 2007

10 cc's of semi-gloss paint. Stat.

Lauren is not a very sound sleeper. She never really has been. Since Wyatt was born, she has been getting up in the middle of the night for feedings and although Wyatt now pretty much sleeps though the night Lauren is still on the “feeding clock”. A few months ago, when she would wake up at 3 AM she would turn on the TV and watch medical shows on the Discovery Channel. Shows like Scenes from the ER, Extreme Surgery, or plastic surgery makeover shows. I would wake up to get a drink of water or pee and when I went back to sleep, the few minutes of these shows that I saw would cause disturbing dreams about blood and guts and liposuction. Or I would dream of saws cutting through breastbones or brain surgery.

Because of these disturbing dreams I asked Lauren to watch something else. She now watches TLC and shows like Flip this House, Trading spaces and Home Made Simple, or any other home decorating show. Although I now get a better nights sleep, now when I wake up to the start the day, Lauren has all these great ideas about painting the living room or building a patio or replacing the vanity.

I am considering asking her to go back to watching the medical shows. Because even if I do not get a good nights sleep at least I know when I wake up Lauren is not going to ask me to perform a triple by-pass on someone.


Anonymous said...

Try not drinking before bedtime, and you won't have to get up in the middle of the night to pee!

Anonymous said...

great story.

I think momo9 has a good point, as always!

Anonymous said...

PS Love the title

Anonymous said...

what gets me if they watch the shows, but it makes more work for us.

Anonymous said...

but you could do a triple by-pass right? I mean, just in case she asked?

Johnny Smoke said...

You should never let your fears become the boundries of your wife's dreams. he he he...

Anonymous said...

Be glad she doesn't watch infomercials--you could start coming home to find Bass-O-Matics and the Ronco Inside-the-Shell Egg Scrambler.

Susie said...

This might be a bit much for this thread, but did y'all SEE the Dr. 90210 where a couple goes in and they both want (whispering) "genital cosmetic surgery?" Ewww ewwww ewwwww! Yea, keep Lauren on the home improvement shows.

Anonymous said...

I tried to get genital cosmetic surgery but the doctor said there was " nothing he could do"

Anonymous said...

What about an episode of Lauren does William?

Unknown said...

If she does ask you to perform a triple bypass, go back to sleep and get some more rest, you'll need it. ;)

Lois Lane said...

Haha! You asked for it smarty!
Hey Lauren, did you watch the marathon of Flip This House last week? It was GREAT! Oh, and you should tell Bill to rip out a ceiling. It's a good time had by all, trust me. Hahahaha! Have a groovy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, can't handle those medical shows either! I'm lucky to get through an episode of ER. LOL And "Flip This House" is way better than "Flip That House". Oh, and it took me about a few months to realize the difference of those two shows.

kimmyk said...

Maybe you could start programing in the food network and she'll start cooking like rachel ray.

some days i amaze myself with how fast i think of these things.

Kami said...


Nilbo said...

I say get her to watch adult channels. Then the projects she gets you to do will be fun. For you, anyway.

Anonymous said...

I was gonna make a wisecrack about sex programs, but Nilbo beat me to it.

eclectic said...

Forget the semi-gloss, go straight for satin. I'm just saying.