Wednesday, November 22, 2006

De-Lurkey Turkey Day.

I hope everyone in the U.S. has a great holiday and I hope that all of my international friends have a great..well... rest of the week.

When checking my sitemeter I know that I get an average of 350 visits a day. My brother Kevin makes up for about 25 of those because he likes to Blog Block with his comments. Lawnwhisperer likes to do the same thing. They, well, I, call it BlogJacking.

Blog Jacking basically goes like this: I write a decent post about whatever, and then one of my brothers leaves a comment that is funny. The rest of the comments that follow are not about MY post but more about their comments. They Blog Jack my blog.

Today and over the weekend if you a regular visitor here at Poop and Boogies please leave me a comment. Even if you don't normally leave a comment, if you are just a lurker, please say "Hi", tell me how you found Poop and Boogies or just say where you are from.



Anonymous said...

OK, well, I guess I'll go first. I think I may have commented once before, when Wyatt was born--I'm not sure.

I'm Alissa, mother to a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old boy. I read each time you update. I never comment because, well, everyone else is so funny :-) I read for the humor.

Anonymous said...

One of my brothers has a third nipple. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Anonymous said...

Also delurking to say "hello". I honestly cannot remember where I first found the link to your blog, but I'm glad that I did!

No turkey here in England until Christmas (please - everyone make an effort to buy organic and free-range, so much better in so many ways) for which, much thanks - I'm never sure how you all manage to do the whole huge holiday thing twice so close together!

Anonymous said...

Just got started reading your blog recently, but you're in my Bloglines for updates.

Found you via a nomination for BoB (I think 2005).

Jeff, father of one daughter, blogger of one blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I read your site daily but have never commented. I live in Philly now but grew up in Langhorne, not far from where you did. I have a 7-month old boy. I think my husband told me about your site and I have been reading ever since. Happy Thaksgiving!

Effie said...

we had Thanksgiving over a month ago...but my hubby is going down to visit relatives in Rochester for turkey day tomorrow! I'm baking butter tarts for him to bring...

and it looks like your brother is trying to "blogjack" again (sidenote: would the shortform for blogjack be BJ? That could get confusing in some blogging circles-end sidenote)

Susie said...

A non-lurker saying HAPPY THANKSGIVING to the P&B clan!!!

Unknown said...

Hello, my name is Kelli and I found your blog through a link on my blog. ;)

Also, I'm so glad that sibling rivalry is still alive and well.

(Which brother has three nipples? It's LawnWhisperer, iddin it?)

Teri said...

Hi William *waving*

I'm Teri and I'm from the lovely State of Jersey. I think I might have found you through Mainline Mom or one of the other Philly folks.

Your brothers ROCK but you ROCK way more than they do. They like to hide behind the ANONYMOUS banner way too much.

Have a GREAT Turkey day!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I don't remember how I happened upon this blog. It just makes me laugh so I visit every day. I love your Mom's comments. She cracks me up!

I am from Indiana and I'm the mother of 7 year old twin girls and a 4 year old girl.

Peter said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My brother-in-law has a third makes for great conversation at the Thanksgiving table! Thanks for reminding me.

Anonymous said...

Yo! Happy Thanksgiving to the family, Bill. Don't let the LawnWhisperer hijack the turkey.

Anonymous said...

Scoob here - I work in Horsham - and my g/f lives in Hatboro. Not sure how I found your blog either... but the local connection is what got me reading it - and the humor keeps me coming back. I am one of those people who doesnt say much blog-wise... cuz once I start typing... I just don't shut up. Happy Turkey Day :)

Julie said...

Hi from Virginia! I found your blog months ago linked off another blog - which I now forget the name of. I love your humor/take on things - cracks me up. Keep on blogging and Happy Thanksgiving!

Roadkil said...

Lurker Here.....your Nutrition Facts needs updated. I read this blog because I sort of relate. Father of 4 soon to be 5.

Anonymous said...

I'm a regular lurker who is gearing up for her own blog soon.

I found your blog from Stacie's Just My Ramblings. She is one of my best friends and has kept me quasi-sane over the past few years. You might recognize me from the "Where were your underpants made game". Mine hail from the Maldives today(I wonder if they saw Tomcat there?)

You, Lawnwisperer, and your Mom make me laugh everyday. Keep up the good work.

ttulizzy said...

Hi! I'm Liz from TN, and I ran across your blog from a link of another one, but I can't remember which one! I think your blog is so funny! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I read P&B and Dadvsdad every day. Although Lawnwhisperer neglects his blog by posting sporadically. I think I came across this vis Dadcentric, but it's been so long I have forgotten. You guys are funny and have awesome families. That's something to be thankful for ( and your incrediable parents). I am from outside of Boston but I was born in PA (york). I even lived in FL (jax) for a year but it was too damned hot so we got out! I am 39 and have 4 kids older than yours. So i know what fun awaits you!

Anonymous said...

Hi...I visit your blog everyday. I started reading a couple of months ago. I went back and read from the beginning. I would be laughing out loud and my husband would come in to see what I was reading. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Central Texas

ToadyJoe said...

Hi! You know me from AGES back. Met you via Kristine (R&O), and haven't left since. I even LinkyLoved you yesterday, although I haven't YET made the Pac Man Toast with Pictured Framed Eggs. But I will. Heart y'all to pieces, and you can't make me leave. *blows raspberry*

Dani said...

Hi. I've been lurking since my son was born. I'm Danielle, from Rochester NY. We have a 10 month son and we love your blog. The conversations between you and your wife remind me of the ones we have here. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Happy T-Day to the P&B family from Chattababyland. Still avid readers for over a year now.

Although "arranged marriage" negotiations have stalled tween Sarah and Maximus, we hope to resume talks in the spring.

KoernerVille said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Sara, I found your wonderful blog I think, through Blogging Baby. My husband and I have been married for two years, and have been trying for at least a year to have one of our own. Your boys make my womb weep!

I particularly enjoy your writing... it's like one of those kid movies that has humor for adults too, and it's a great balance. One day, I can be reading about hipamaposis', the next marriage issues like opening pickle jars... and the next who knows? Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hi William! I love your blog, think I found it through links on another blog (you find a lot of good reading that way).

Love your stories, they are great. I check your site every day to see if you've written anything new.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

De-lurking from Knoxville, TN.

Anonymous said...

Hi William! I can't remember where I found your site at, but I know I just had to read it once to know that I would be back. And I have everyday.

I'm from Oklahoma and I have 3 kids. A daughter that's 8, a daughter that will be 6 soon and a son that just turned 2 in August. I often read your posts out loud to my husband, well I try anyway, I'm ususally laughing too hard to make much sense.

Through you I stumbled across another blog that I have come to love. love it.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from me and mine!

Anonymous said...

Hi William,
My name is Jennifer live in little beach town on Long Island called Bayville.... I usually post under the name "beachbumjen" if I delurk to leave comments on someone's blog. I think I found your site through Kami's Dallas K's, or her site through yours? I can't remember. I read your blog from the beginning and think you have a great sense of humor. I hope you and Lauren have a great Thanksgiving.

Kami said...

OMG. Your brothers are a mess.

Anonymous said...

Yo, lurker here! I read your blog daily and was introduced to it through a friend who blogged & linked to yours. Her blog is no longer, but yours is bookmarked in my "favorites". I'm a mother of a 2 1/2 month old girl and a sahm.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Meegs said...

Hey Bill,
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


I have been reading your blog for about 6 months and it is the first one on my blogroll to read because I find it totally hilarious, and the stories of Max and Wyatt are adorable - and your wife is one kick ass women.

Toronto Canada

Anonymous said...

I am from Mississippi and I am not sure how I found your blog, but I love it and look forward to every post.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I am married, 35 and Mom to a 27 month old son. The only question I have is when are you going to up your kids from 1 to 2 under nutrition facts?

Oh, I am so making the picture framed eggs this weekend. I have never seen them before.

The Cluck Wagon said...

Found you through a friend of mine who said you were funny. I have to agree. :)

Roxanne said...

I found you yesterday through Kristine's R&O. You're hilarious with the few posts I've read so far.

Happy T-Day!

Anonymous said...

Lurker greetings! Julie from Portland, OR here - mom of a mid-life surprise baby who is unbelievably 2-1/2 now. Found you through DGM and check in every day for the giggle/guffaw/shoot diet Coke out my nose. Thanks for everything, and have a lovely holiday!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm Kitty. My son, who is an active blogger himself, (shameless plug: has a link to your page. I checked it out one day and Poop and Boogies has been added as one of my favorite daily reads ever since. I have 3 boys, but am child no. 6 of 8 myself, 6 boys and 2 girls. I just love all the stories, and can definitely identify with so many!
Keep up the good work!

Slinger said...

Wife and I love this site and try to read it daily. Bartlett, IL

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I'm from the Eastern Shore of Maryland.....

Unknown said...

I lurk, I sometimes comment, but I think I found you through Adena/Lunatic Redhead.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Kelly in New Brunswick, Canada. Found your blog eons ago through blog-rolling and have been addicted for a long, long time! Have a great Thanksgiving, eh!

Anonymous said...

hi. think i found you from random and odd. and i came back again and againg because i like your writing - so funny.

happy turkey day :)

Anonymous said...

happy thanksgiving from semi-lurker from the great state of Louisiana. I am the one wandering around the grocery store aisles looking for the fried onion thingies for the green bean casserole.


Anonymous said...

Hi from Linda in Dallas! I have a 19 month old son. My mom told me about your blog. She thought I might like it. She was right! I think you and your brothers are hilarious! Happy Thanksgiving!

Amy said...

Hi From CT.

Idaho Dad said...

Hi! I've commented before. Just another dad blogger who has you on his blogroll.

Anonymous said...

I've been here for over a year and enjoy all the family goings-on. I'm a grandmother and found your blog through another blog. My familiy is raised and gone and I fing it interesting to see the things that young families face today. You handle yours with a lot of grace and good humor.
Many blessings on your Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Hi there from Indiana!! Been reading your site for sometime, not sure how I discovered it but glad I did!! You are most amusing!!
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

I don't know where I found your link, but I think my Mom said this is the only way to get to know you. She said this is the only way she can see her grandchildren.

I also like to read about how you ban Thomas the Tank Engine from your kids, but yet when you were little, you would cut pictures out of playboy and then put your friends faces where the other persons face was and then give them to people.

Happy thanksgiving!

If I have you for Pollyanna, How much is it to ship things 1000 miles away.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello! *waves*

I love your blog & read it daily. Love your wit! I found you through Amalah.

I moved from West Chester, PA to WI a couple of years ago & miss it. Not sure if I've commented before (having a baby did horrible things to my memory), so maybe I'm delurking?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kris said...

Hi William,

Fellow lurker here. Kris from Las Vegas. I think I found you through Metrodad. I dont have any children but my husband and I have 2 cats and a puppy. I read you and Metrodad everyday definatley because of your humor. You make me laugh out loud! Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I lurk from NY. Don't recall how I found you.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Hi William!

I've been reading for wuite awhile, but this is my first comment here...I found you through the commetns over at KLOG...I already read Nilbo, and your comments made me want to come read you every day too :)

Very glad I made that choice!

Happy Thanksgiving from Northern Alberta :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, did you say three nipples?

Anonymous said...

Hello. I've been a lurker for a couple months, perhaps. Very enjoyable blog, love the humor. I found you through a pug lover's blog that I also lurk at. I'm from DC.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill, I found your comment by searching Technorati for really funny comments by people named "Anonymous" and "Lawn Whisperer"
p.s. Have a great Thanksgiving!
p.p.s. 350 readers a day! Yowza!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I can't remember how I found your site. Possibly through blogging baby or the blogfathers. But it's hilarious, and I occasionally share some of your better stories with my husband, who laughs a lot at them as well. I live in San Jose, CA. --JMM

cooler*doula said...

Hmmm... I think I found you via the Lactivist... I'm a mum to a toddler, so your posts resonate with life here. I'm in Savannah.

eclectic said...

Never been here before in my life. Odd, really, since there's a link to you on my sidebar, and on the sidebars of 60% of the blogs I regularly visit. Oh wait... right! I know you!! I'm here virtually every flippin' day! Happy Thanksgiving, Bill!!

Anonymous said...

i'm commented before...but i'll comment again :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a Canadian living near the rockies and I'm an RSS stalker. But only because I read while I nurse and I can't type with one hand.

Anonymous said...


Scottsdale Girl said...

It might also be called Cock Blocking. Since that is what my eyes saw the first read through.

You don't want to know about me after that statement do you really?

Ortizzle said...

I've only been around for a few months. Made some comments on your blog, which are always related to your stuff, not the "anonymous" stuff. I started coming around because I saw your name on other blogs I read and was curious to see who this guy was who made the sometimes cryptic, and always amusing one-liners. I have you linked on my blog roll, by the way. (Not that you would know this, just giving myself brownie points.)

Happy Thanksgiving (if you make it to comment # 67 on your list.)

Effie said...

69 comments so far Bill--yer pretty popular!

Platypus said...

Hi William, happy Thanksgiving to you and your family for tomorrow. I don't lurk and try to comment as much as possible but I do love your blog - you're another one that makes me snort stuff on my screen and is therefore on my list of blogs not to read whilst drinking...

Anonymous said...

I can not remember how I found your blog but you always make me laugh or at the least smile. Thanks


susan said...

Hi! I can't remember how I found your site, but the why is because I was looking for a little male perspective into this parenting thing. I check it every time BlogRolling tells me you've got a new post up and I've yet to be disappointed! I don't think I've ever commented before as I rarely read the comments. I'm more interested in your first hand accounts than the feedback of the others, I guess. Although, if the comments are that riotus, I may have to start checking them out, too!

Happy Turkey Day!

Just Jan said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of your Family. I love your Blog and I can't even remember how I stumbled acrossed it, but I love coming here and reading it. I haven't yet stopped by your Brother's blog but I suppose I should one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and Lauren and Max and Wyatt! I just love you folks.

Anonymous said...

Hi, found your site from the Best of Blogs Blog site. I found your blog really funny.

And i'm a 23 year old female studying for my masters from Perth, Western Australia.


Nature Girl said...

I'm a regular reader, you already "know" me, but I found you through Kari's blog ( She got me started on blogging and most of my original blogroll was found through her. You were one of the very first blogs I put on my blogroll, I've been hooked every since. Still waiting for Mom o' Nine and "Williams Brother" to get their own blogs. I'm a regular reader of the LW too, but he doesn't post enough!
Hope you all have a FAB holiday!!!

C. said...

Hey William:

I do not remember where or when I found you. Livin' in NY.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving from Texan lurker

Kari said...

Well, now you've further enabled their blog-jacking by mentioning their intentions, potentially leading to further comments about them and not you.

You're all very amusing. Thanks for all the laughs!

Happy De-lurkey Turkey Day!

Anonymous said...

Hi, found the site from a parent hacks roundup, great site, makes me laugh out loud on a regular basis. Father of a beautiful 7 month old named Ava. Happy Turkey Day everyone.

Anonymous said...

I'm a lurker!

Anonymous said...

Derlurking to say that I found your blog months ago when I wsa searching for good parenting blogs. Been addicted to it ever since.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog whenever I don't feel like working on my dissertation (that would be every day). Although we live in Texas now, my husband and I moved to the Lone Star state from Doylestown, PA.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am from Ohio. I don't even remember how I found your blog. Probably a link from some other blog I read. While I like most of what you write, there are days I want to strangle your little male self! lol...keep up the stories.

Suzy-Q said...

My name is Aunt Josefina and I am primarily a lurker. Your blog is hilarious and I love to read it. I do not go to your brothers' blogs.

I think I found you on Meow's (from Australia) blog.

I am an Okie from Muskogee. Really.

Anonymous said...

hmm, well, i admit i lurk around your website quite a bit. My name is Nadia; i'm from western Canada (though born in the Middle East & lived in the States for a bit). i surfed over from the "Truths and Half Truths" website because you had been recommended as a very funny, kind blogger. And that you are. The parts i especially enjoy reading are about your experiences raising your children because it seems you really have an honest, loving, open relationship with them and that (to me) is very cool.


jennifer_starfall said...

i think you are funny as hell, and i don't usually read the comments, so take that, blog jackers.

i'm near baltimore, MD. it's cold and wet.

happy thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I also read your blog regularly, but never comment. Everyone is funny when they start leaving comments. But I do read your page almost every day. Your boys are gorgeous and your wife is beautiful. I live in Kentucky, I have 3 kids myself. Two little girls ages 6 and 2 and my little baby boy is almost 4 mos old. I hope you and your family have a happy thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill, I am Lori W.'s friend. I have been in your company for some fun times with all the Willow Grove Crew...I have not seen you since one Sunday at some bar you were working that everyone came to see you...not the big club inthe city...after that. Anyway.. I look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve each day. You are so talented and NEED to publish your writing. I love seeing pics of your family tied in with your humor. Your family is beautiful! But you know that already. Anyway...Happy Thanksgiving to you all and I will stop rambling in case you really don't remember who I am at all!!!!

Anonymous said...

Found you in my womb, and you lurked there for 9 months. Figure I can do a little lurking myself now! Who are these people? Wonderful you have such a following! You are one of the people I will be thankful for tomorrow and am thankful for everyday. I love you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Lauren and the boys. Hugs and kisses across the miles. Max, Look up! It's the moon! It's the moon up in the sky! It's big and round and I have found that it looks just like a turkey pie!

Anonymous said...

I just love your mom.

I think I found you via Random and Odd. How can you *not* click on a blogroll link called Poop and Boogies?

Andrea said...

I think I found you through Susie (she-who-has-WTF-disease, God bless her).

And I'm in Indiana.

Juniper said...

De-lurking from the CA Bay Area to say hello! I found you through Amalah a while back. You're posts are so funny I've even gotten my husband to read them! (he usually just rolls his eyes and asks if I'm done jealously looking at pictures of other people's kids yet...) Thanks for your great sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

I found you recently. Not sure how, probably a mommy blog. I;m in California mom of 2 one only 2 months. I think you are funny. So I keep coming back.

Anonymous said...

Hi, William! I found you through Kalki's blog. I go there to see the links to all the cute guys. I know she adores me, but hey, I'm on the cover of Advocate so ... I mean .. really. What do I have to do, wear a sign?

Just sayin' ... I love you. If Lauren ever finally realizes your ... shall we say .. true nature ... well, call me.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You have a lot of readers:)

kimmyk said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

your mom is honestly adorable.

Anonymous said...

Just found you a week or two ago and linked to you off a comment you made at Marit's where I lurk too! so anyways, Hi and happy turkey day from Virginia!


MrsDoF said...

You are sitting at 100 comments as I begin typing. A three digit number means many readers.

I think I found you at Susie's, maybe Nilbo's, probably Kristine's.
And all of that reading goes back to the days right after Dooce had Leta and we made her comments zoom into three digits on a regular basis.

My house is in central Illinois, a smallish town but home to a big state university.
I pedal my bicycle past cornfields when I have to go to a meeting at the church building.

I keep reading here because you have quite a perspective on how to handle what life dishes out, a quick wit, a patient wife and adorable children. Not to mention a mom and brothers who demonstrate the same tendencies.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Maybe someday, your son will come home from college for the holiday, then mix and bake two 9x5 loaves of cheese and herb bread because dinner rolls were forgotten on the grocery list. At least that's what happened at my house.
~~love and Huggs, Diane

sari said...

I live in Arizona, I'm married with two boys (8 & 4).

I found you (really) on Dad vs. Dad.

Your family is funny.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Love your mom! And your blog and your brother's blog
greetz from the Caribbean

Thumbelina's Mom said...

De-lurking to say Happy T-Day from the Great White North. I don't remember where I first found your blog - maybe at Dad vs Dad - doesn't matter; I like to check out blogs with interesting names. And I like blogs that keep me laughing.

Unknown said...

Look at that...104 comments! Dude, you know I read like ALL the time, and your brothers have nothing on you.

Queen Bee said...

I'm going to comment before reading any other comments because, as you pointed out, I might just comment on a comment. I wouldn't want to do that :)

I found your blog through a friend a few months back, now I find it through the link that's on my blog.

Julie said...

Hi, I'm from Wisconsin. I just found you're blog right now off of someone elses. I can't remember who. I like to blog surf. Happy Thanksgiving!

Effie said...

wow you're famous--you even have John Stamos commenting...

Anonymous said...

Delurking to say Hello from N.J. I'm a mom to 3 kids ages 14,10 and 4. Your blog makes me laugh, especially on those bad mom days when I want to bang my head against a wall. Happy Thanksgiving!

nelly said...

oh my gosh! you have soooo many comments! happy turkey day! i am in england and we are celebrating tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

I'v been reading for a few months by way of various blog links. It's nice to see the American dream is out there, and it's full of great humor.

Have a happy Turkey Day! (Everyone be nice to all of us who have to work Black Friday!)

Sarah in Ohio

ps Sorry my best friend harassed you about your camera. We had a "talk" about that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is "The Bents" from the great state of Maryland (well okay, the small state). My husband doesn't really use the computer for much other than playing his games, so I (Dawn) am the main blog reader. We both have an amost 12 month old and we're expecting our next baby in April, so parent blogs are my main source for sanity.
My sister actually reads your blog and during one of our many discussions about good blogs she turned me to yours!! I've been hooked since!! Keep bloggin! =)
And Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Hi I have commented once or twice but I keep coming back to read your hilarious stories.

Boone, NC

Anonymous said...

I've been reading for while, commenting sporadically. You're always good for a laugh, and I really enjoy your blog.

Happy Thanksgiving from Tampa Bay!

Nichole said...


Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I'm Annalisa from the Netherlands. I found your blog through another blog. I'm sure that happens a lot. I really enjoy following you and your family's life. :o) Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Anonymous said...

I am Kristi, mother of a 4 year old boy named Thomas (nicknames: Tommy, Mas) He is the love of my life and the best thing that has EVER happened to me. I was born and raised in Warminster, PA and now live in Horsham, PA. And I know you know where they are because you grew up right down the street. I was lead to your site from I have just started reading your blog but I am sure I will be checking in ever couple days. Your children are adorable. My Thanksgiving was wonderful, except for the eating so much I almost puked part but hey that is part of the tradition!! Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I don't remember how I found your blog but I have the feeling it was linked to over at The Wait and the Wonder. I just found it a couple of weeks ago, but you're already on my "must-read" list.

Peanutt said...

Hi there! Tina from Detroit, mom of two boys...have lost interest in my own blog for a while, but that doesn't stop me from reading yours!! Found you from, well, I'm not sure but I'm glad I did!! Thanks for the laughs!

Amanda said...

I have been reading your blog for over a year now. You are on my blog roll.

I am 29 and have 2 girls ages 2 &11 months.

You are a great dad!!!!

ewe are here said...

Hello. I comment on occasion. No idea how I originally found you at this point...

Me? I'm an American living in the UK with my husband, 18 month old boy, and another wee boy on the way. ;-)

Katie said...

I read your blog almost every day... I linked you on my blog, so I know some of my readers come over here, too. I found you via a work-buddy and have been reading your blog for a long time...

I make occational comments... usually via "other" or "anonymous" but usually leave my name at least - Katie

My Pugs Blogger said...

Hey - I don't know if I have commented before - but I come visit everyday. I found you through SoozieQ (the bestest gal around) and I'm hooked!

Annie said...

Hi Future Bill, you know us lurking-types... lurking at the park and birthday parties and the WP Farmers Market. We love hanging out with your fam... and you're not too bad either! Glad to know you all!

Ann for Joel & the kiddos

Susie said...

Hi, I'm Susie and I came to see you a long time ago after you came to see me. I live in Maryland, where I hope you will stop and visit me one of these days when you're passing through on the way to take the grandboys to see the grandparents. OR on the way back home. I'm not particular :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Tell me more about your brothers third nipple... Oh that's what I wasn't supposed to do.... oops!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Giving you a shout out from rural Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

My name is Peggy and I live in Sunnyvale, CA. I have been reading your blog for almost a year. I don't remember how I found it. I like your blog, you make me laugh.
Your children are cute, your wife is lovely, and I get a kick out of your family.


Anonymous said...

De-lurking from Summersville, WV..
Can't remember how I found you, but I LOVE your writing style and humor. You have a lovely family!

Anonymous said...

Hey William,
I discovered your blog when Chattababy linked to it. At the time we were preparing to move to Florida, so all of your exploits were very fitting! Now we are both living in sunny florida, and it is still a lot of fun to read about your family!

Anonymous said...

William, if you pursue something with John Stamos, I will kick you where it counts.

Anonymous said...

Paige from Virginia. I am friends with Cat (Desperate working momma) and that is how I found your blog. Love it.

Michelle said...

Wow - way over 100 now. I'm Michelle and at this point can no longer remember how I found you. I'm lucky that I can remember my own name. I'm Mommy to 3 lovely ladies - twins (4 1/2) and the "baby" (2)

I read your blog everyday and love the laughs!

Anonymous said...

...well..."Hi"...only reading your blog recently, all started at Dooce and have roamed from there.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Stumbled across your blog by hitting the "next blog" button....found myself laughing out loud and have been addicted ever since. It is amazing that you have so many readers!

Missy said...

Hi! I think that I found your blog through my husband Ray, who comments sometimes.
I am Missy from South Carolina, mommy to a 2 year old and a newborn. Your blog is funny... I think that my husband and I have some of the same conversations as you and your wife have. :)

LiveLee said... reader here.
i followed you from a comment on a blog...i think it was Mama Drama? does that sound familiar?
anyway...i enjoy it.

M said...

I'm a lurker but there are worse things on this planet. I added your blog to my Favourites a long time back and I no longer remember how I came across it but I'm glad I did. Your blog is very funny and I read it somewhat regularly. Keep it coming! Oh I'm from Bangladesh, a 19 year old girl-woman.

Hi William.


Feels good to get de-lurkied.

Lois Lane said...

Now you are just baing a run of the mill comment whore. High-five soul brutha! :D

Anonymous said...

i know I'm late, but HI!
I've commented before but a lurker for sure from Charlotte, NC. Grew up in Harrisburg/Middletown, PA