Thursday, November 30, 2006

Look kid, you're bothering me.

I used to get this look from my older brother John all the time. Well actually I still do.


Teri said...

wow, what a look.

yea, I'm sure Max will always have this look for his younger brother no matter what his age and considering you come from a sarcastic family, it will never end.

Nilbo said...

Maybe John wouldn't look at you like that if you weren't such a crybaby.

Anonymous said...

Aaaw, tears and rolled eyes of cuteness!
(And Nilbo? Heh.)

Lois Lane said...

Poor baby is still upset about his Daddy's rake and roll mishap. :(
Maybe Max is giving an empathetic look. As if to say, "When you are older bro, me and you will go to T.O.P.S. together and discuss this with the group."
P.S. T.O.P.S. = Toddlers Overwrought, Parents Stink!

Unknown said...

Hee hee - Buddy (almost 3 yrs old) gives Sweet Pea (almost 4-1/2 years old) that look when she starts throwing a fit. Kinda like "Wow. Really. What's your issue?"

sc@vp said...

nilbo: heh heh heh. (you beat me to it)

Anonymous said...


Kami said...

THat is soooooo very cute.

Erika Jurney said...

That's a classic big brother moment!

eclectic said...

Yeah, but NOW it's fun to call him "older", isn't it??

Queen Bee said...

Great look, all older siblings can do that one :)

Btw, good to see that you now have TWO children.

Platypus said...

Yeah, my sisters still accuse me of making that look from time to time...

Anonymous said...

Hey Dad... Wyatt's crying because of the outfit.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! You FINALLY updated your Nutrition Facts! I'm shocked. Totally amazed. How many comments did you get before finally doing it? I know I left 2 or 3..

WOW. I'm still in shock.

Bogart said...

Okay, so I accidentally clicked on the link at the right...inadvertently hit the button as I was moving the mouse and this is the picture that showed up...and you know what? It sorta looks like Max is getting peed on...

Glad I moved my mouse so quickly!