Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I lost my wedding ring. Not a good move, but what can I say. I misplaced it right after we brought Wyatt home while Lauren’s Parents were staying with us. I am not blaming Wyatt or Lauren’s parents, (although maybe they were thinking that if they took the ring that would mean I was no longer married to their daughter and maybe some wish full thinking was manifesting itself by my ring disappearing and I am not saying that they don’t like me but you never get a second chance to make a first impression and the first time I actually met my mother in-law I was somewhat drunk and spilled a drink on her dress) Anyway, I am just saying it was hectic and I cannot remember where I put it.

I finally confessed to Lauren that I lost it. Two days later she said, “Do you notice that I am not wearing my wedding ring?”

I lied and acted like I did notice, “Yeah. Why not?”

“I am not wearing mine until you find yours.”

“It is around here somewhere. I probably put it in my pocket and it ended up in the wash. Anyway you should still wear yours.”


“My ring only cost, like, 50 bucks. Yours was much more expensive. You don’t want to lose it.”
“But I KNOW where my wedding ring is. You, however, do not.”

“Well YOU should know where yours is because it was much more expensive than 50 bucks.”


Teri said...
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Teri said...

Is it by the sink in the kitchen? Is it hanging on the hook in the bathroom?

You two crack me up with the "debates" you get into. I would hope that Lauren's mom doesn't hold the spilt drink against you. Have you, somewhat, behaved yourself since that meeting?

Anonymous said...

my dad lost his wedding ring a LONG time ago...and still doesn't wear it and hasn't had it replaced :). but, my mom only has a band, diamonds.

you should buy another ring (aka go to the bubble gum machine and grab one) so people atleast know for her sake that you are taken!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

you better find that ring!

Anonymous said...

Not sure that's the argumentative path I'd take, my friend. Better find that ring fast! Any way you can find an exact replica?

Andrea said...

Wait...didn't you blog about this recently? Asking her where she put your wedding ring, and then finding it where you left it? Maybe she finally took it this time to make a point! ;)

Jewl said...

My hubs lost his twice both times when we were still at the married thing. 12 Years later I could care less if he lost it... he has forgot how to talk to women so I am pretty sure I don't have to worry! LOL

Jomama said...

Almost the same thing happened to me in December. I lost my engagement ring and my husband stopped wearing his wedding band until I found it. I went and bought a cheap band to wear until I found it. I ended up finding it in April and now I wear both the engagement ring and the cheap band because I never actually got a wedding band from him.

Effie said...

why did you take it off in the first place, hmmm?

Just asking...

and it's not how much it cost that's important--it's the SYMBOLISM behind it that is important!!! If I were you--i'd find it quick and if necessary--have it sized down so it won't "fall off" anymore!

Anonymous said...

Metro has replaced a dead turtle before I see. He stole my idea.

Anonymous said...

Doghouse dude - you're in it. ;)
Yeah, I'm siding with your wife - nyeeeeh.
I highly encourage you to scoot over to a jewelry store and find a replacement! And pick up some nice earrings for your wife while you're at it. *grin*

sarah said...

why do men lose their rings? my dad lost his way back, but instead of buying a new one, he upgraded my mom's diamond...there's a thought...

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're going to win that one, bud.

Men and wedding rings are often parted, it seems, for one reason or another. My dad claimed the dog ate his. He really said that. My ex-husband rarely wore his ring because he said it could get caught and tear his finger off if he was climbing a fence or he could get melted to the car if he was changing the battery. I thought these were lousy excuses--it's not like he was MacGyver.

Anonymous said...

My husbando is on ring #3. His first ring is someone on a golf course, second ring was lost on a submarine. He eventually found the one on the submarine so now he has a spare. Luckily, we live by the three strikes rule in my house so he is safe (at least for the time-being). Good luck in finding it!

Lowa said...

We are opposite over here. My husband never takes his off, I never wear mine.

Mine sits in the jewelry box. It gives me a horrible rash and we can't figure out why.

It is not like there is any question how you feel about Lauren. Do you really need a ring to show it???

Anonymous said...

we are thinking about coming to florida got any room for us?
its a possibility cause we want to go on another vacation

Anonymous said...

Rob always brings out the "Your wedding ring cost more than mine" argument. Even when the discussion at hand is completely unrelated - like why he should get to finish the ice cream.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the "yours is more expensive" argument is valid.


I would check in the ball tower or driver compartment of one of Maxwell's trucks...not that I've ever known my kids to hide things in their toys.

Anonymous said...

Did you get that sick disgusting 'oh hell' feeling when you noticed it was missing.. I really hate that feeling. I've lost and found my ring twice, and like yours it was around $50... I'd pick up a duplicate. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

You will find that ring the way the Lawn Whisperer finds his golf balls in the woods. You will say you found it and come out with one very similar.

Melanie said...

I love your wife. She cracks me up.

Undercover Mother said...

I'm not sure I can even get mine off anymore, come to think of it.

LizzieDaisy said...

My hub has never taken his off that I know of, and he lives in the garage and underneath cars. When you find it, don't take it off again. :)

And I know this sounds really stupid, but say a prayer to St. Jude and St. Anthony. Patron Saints of lost causes (ha, but seriously) and lost things. I am not Catholic and don't do the praying to Saints thing on a regular basis, but the very few times I have lost something important, I did it and found it almost right away.

Case and point, my hub and I were sexing at a hotel (hee) and I looked down and saw the diamond out of my wedding ring was gone. Panic. Looked everywhere. We went home and my hub said to say the prayers so I did. I went to the computer to write everyone to say a prayer for me, and there it was lying on the base of the monitor like I'd taken it out and put it there (I kept pencils there). Wow. Seriously, every time.

Worth a shot.

MrsDoF said...

Both our rings together, the receipt was only $58 with tax. The jewelry store owner was retiring and going out of business. We each got just the proper size even.

DoF wore his the first week, then got a job in a factory, took off his ring for safety reasons around the machines, and never put it on again.
It's in a drawer in his desk, next to his dad's wedding ring. His dad gave his ring to his son and told him to pawn it after my in-laws' divorce.

I wore mine until I gained 30 pounds, or about 7 years. I can't remember which came first.
Since I'm now 60 pounds bigger than my wedding day, the wearing of any ring at all won't be happening soon.
Incentive for the exercise program my podiatrist recommended, No?

I hope you find your ring soon.
It seems to be important in your household.
I think the vows you spoke are more valuable.
Congratulations at your Anniversary!