Thursday, July 20, 2006


Lauren went to get her haircut last night. She is smoking hot. I am using her picture without her permission and may have to take it down at some point.


Bente said...

Holy cow! Lauren looks fabulous! You would never even guess she had a baby just over a month ago.

Jewl said...

I can't believe she JUST had a baby!! She looks awesome!

Andrea said...

What bente and jewl said! What's her secret???

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just... Wow!

ieatcrayonz said...

I can't believe you even had time to take a picture once that smokin' woman entered the house.

Peter said...

Hubba, Hubba.

Anonymous said...

She looks better than a tall Mojito !

Teri said...

she's a hotty even without a new haircut, she's a keeper William, remember that!

Meegs said...

Lauren looks absolutely amazing!! And the hair is great.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Lauren looks great hair cut and all but I still cant believe that she just gave birth she looks fabulous!

Sharpie said...

Sorry I can't comment - I need to go jump back on my elliptical because I had my last baby 6 freaking years ago and don't look that good.......

I LOVE the cut BTW.

Unknown said...


Great hair cut!

Anonymous said...

She looks great! But now I feel so guilty about myself that I must go and shove a chocolate cupcake in my

Barry S said...


N said...

Wow, she IS smokin hot!

This pic is my new inspiration for how good I will want to look after I have babies.

So, see- you can't take it down, because it is inspiring people!

Unknown said...


Effie said...


Looking good Lauren!

Lois Lane said...

I'm thinking about batting for the other team after that photo. Damn you are a lucky guy! Tell your lovely bride her new hairdo looks great, just like the rest of her!
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

Though shall not covet....

Michelle said...

No way did she just have a baby a month ago. She's positively skinny! And, being a mom really of 2 must agree with her - she's absolutely radiant.

Damn - somehow I must lose all the baby weight from 2 years ago. Nothing like being put to shame to give a gal some inspiration.

Nilbo said...

Ssssssmokin'. In deference to the Code of Guy Friends, I am officially unmoved. Unofficially ... umm ... well, am I not a human male?

The Cluck Wagon said...

Ditto the other comments. She looks great and I can't believe she just had a baby!!!

Ern said...

Who would guess she just had a baby!? Smoking hot is right!

Unknown said...

Totally smokin hot.

ToadyJoe said...

Y'aint WRONG!!! Damn.

I'm gonna have to go light up a clove in honor of your smokin' hot wife!!!

Double-damn!!! And you can tell her I said so! :)

Nilbo said...

Oh, and by the way, that's a very cute haircut with highlights.

(What the hell, she's in Dubai and will never know.)

The Q said...

She IS totally hot! I love her hair cut.

I have that shirt :-)

kimmyk said...

Lauren, you look amazing girl !

Nice cut too btw!

eclectic said...

I just wanna know how you have time to blog with a woman lookin' like that, all wanderin' around the house, getting ash on the carpet wherever her hot little feet touch it... DAMN! You are a lucky, lucky dog Sir William, but more because I suspect our dear Lauren is more beautiful inside than out. Which, based on that picture, is no small feat!

Nature Girl said...

You cradle robbin' Bill? No way that young girl just had a baby ;) Go Go Lauren, you look FAB! Stacie

Cat said...

SMOKIN'! Have I told you lately how much you totally SCORED?! Rawr!

Peanutt said...

Looking great Lauren!!!

Anonymous said...

The hair looks awesome. But it's the shirt that shows the figure! :)Lauren, you look great! You looked great b4 the haircut, too. You are a great person, which is even more important than how you look. William is a lucky man!

Lowa said...

Looking good! I remember those days:) I always shed the baby weight (not that she gained much, right??) right away also.

The hair is cute, but I really liked the other style also. Can this woman even look bad? Doubt it!!!

And I love what her mother-in-law said! How right she is!

Chixulub said...

Yubba, that's one hot MILF.

Anonymous said...

William --

I know everyone is going google over how good Lauren looks (and she does) But I noticed a very large man in the background? I take it you were the one who had the baby? just a guess....