Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Oh to be a kid again

“Max was so funny this morning Bill. He was sitting in his chair and he farted. I started to laugh. He started to laugh. The he kept trying to squeeze them out and he was laughing. It was so funny.”

“How come it is funny when he does that but not when I do that?”

“Because he is two. You're not.”


Unknown said...

Truer words were never spoken. ;)

The real question is, at what age does it stop being funny? :)

Effie said...

Once they are about 4?

Sharpie said...

It stops being funny when your kid can "out" you in a public place for doing it. "What's that smell? Mooommmm, was that you??" Not so funny then.

Lowa said...

Something must be wrong with me, because I am very entertained by things like that. We joke that my husband could make a living by being the sound effects for all the farts they use in movies. Dude is seriously talented. I get blown out of bed every morning!

We were watching AFV the other night and they had a versus between trumpeting bands and farting horses. The thing that weas weird was that hubby is much louder and more forceful than those horses were! LOL

Ok sorry, TMI, right???

Lois Lane said...

When he is 13 and discussing "brand" (like in Austin Powers Goldmember) have Lauren give me a call and we can laugh togehter.
I'm thinking the funny will wear off soon. Hoping, anyhow. Not luaghing is too hard.
Lois Lane

that girl said...

don't worry bill. my husband wonders the same thing.

Drama Mama said...

Ya. So not funny when you fart and then want us to smell it...ewww...

Odd Mix said...

How can you argue with that kind of logic?

Redneck Mommy said...

The universal injustice of a father and a son. What constitutes funny for a kiddy is just kind of gross when it comes from a man. My husband doesn't understand this either.

Cat said...

Aaaah, the Wise One speak true, Willaim. The Wise One speaks TRUE. Or, in layman's term, true 'dat, yo!

Hey, you want to know what else isn't funny when a grown man does it versus a child? Poking at your wife's love-handles and saying, "Aaaaw... fluffy!"

Wait. Yeah, it's not funny when your kids do that either. My bad.

Carry on.

eclectic said...

It's the same reason why he can go naked through the sprinklers in the front yard, but you? Not so much... at least, not during daylight hours.

Tammy said...

So very funny.

Is there something wrong with a 3 year old laughing and saying "Mommy, I farted!!" No. I didn't think so. :)

Amy said...

It's funny when ANYBODY farts in my house. Life is too short. POOOOOOTT!

kimmyk said...

She's got a point.

Kami said...

Amen to that shit.

Anonymous said...

It's gotta go somewhere! It causes a lot of pain if kept inside. It's a funny noise, no matter who does it. In my early married life, I used to dream I was in the war. Cannons and guns shooting at me from all angles. Then I woke one night to realize, that it was hubby blasting the bedroom with loud farts. Blasts that could rock the building. Funny! Yes! But they did disturb my sleep. It wasn't till after childbirth, that I realized women fart too! What a shock! Hubby can do it on demand! I haven't reached that point yet. Farting is funny! So is this blog!

Anonymous said...

Shooting bunnies and giggling. That is funny. How did eclectic know about you and the sprinkler?


LizzieDaisy said...

My daughter is 5 and her brothers keep laughing at her if she farts so she keeps trying to burp and fart constantly. Such the lady. Argh. :)

And Lauren might regret letting him think that's funny when he squeezes one out in church some day. Hee.