Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered from any damage from Wilma. It was our first hurricane and we only saw the very outer edges of the storm. There was heavy rains and wind but we were fine.
What we did to pass the time.
We built a fort.
Taught Max how to make lighstsaber noises with a flashlight.
We watched tree branches fall in the back yard.
We Wrestled.
Glad you guys did okay!
You guys are way cool parents! I remember my mom used to let us build forts with the couch cushions and blankets. So gald you were all aok for the strom. Stacie
sorry spelling....so GLAD you were ok from the STORM! LOL Sorry..stacie
Glad to hear you are okay. What a great picture that last one is!!
God bless you and yours.
I was worried about you guys--didn't know how close the hurricane came to you....I'm glad you're all OK! My prayers are with those who were affected....
That last picture is the BEST picture! I'm so glad you all did ok.
The cuteness is overwhelming. Especially that last one.
As for the wrestling? You're talking about you and Lauren, right...? ;)
I'll have to remember that trick when tornado season comes around next spring.
Glad you guys are ok.
Looks like Max had a great time weathering the storm.
I'm happy as a pig in mud that the Poop and Boogie gang is safe and sound!
Lois Lane
Glad you guys are ok. I love the one with Lauren in the background, too cute!
Of course the last picture has the good looking factor going on too!
Glad you're OK! The good thing about Orlando is that it's inland a little bit. Cute, cute pictures! They made me smile... all except for the broken tree branch. That one made me say "Uh-oh."
Love the pics!!
Looks like Max had a great time with his first storm! You guys are great parents! Building forts with blankets and chairs and such is always a good time!
I'm glad you all made it through the storm ok!
If you can make a kid smile and laugh during a storm, you're definitely doing things right. You're great parents, and I'm sure Max will remember that day.
We have fort fun here too...
I LOVE that pic of you and Max together! Glad that your family is safe and sound....
I don't want to rain on your parade but you still have a long way to go to compete in fort building contests. I remember having some great forts when we were growing up.
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