Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Chip off the old...

It is times like this that Lauren claims he looks just like me.


Andrea said...

That's one to save to show his first girlfriend...

Effie said...

is the heat wave affecting you guys in PA too? NASTY hot right now here and what a thunderstorm we just had--hail and all!

Anonymous said...

Can you do that with your legs? I'm impressed! When do we see THAT photo. HAAAAAAAAA

MrsFierceShoes said...

You gotta stop by and see the sign photo I posted today. I think you'll get a kick out of it. Your photo today is hilarious!!!

Teri said...

do you guys do this to make sure everything stays put?

to make sure it's still there?

as a "safety blanket"?

erin said...

I remember my brothers doing that when we were kids. We are not close enough now for me to know whether or not they still do it. I am sure my 4 year old is just moments away.

OhTheJoys said...

Where is his perfectly proportioned serving of chips and dip?

Wendy said...

This is not reserved to boys. My daughter oftens sleeps with her hands in her pants. Al Bundy style.

Nilbo said...

Put a remote in his free hand, for God's sake. You're supposed to be raising a MAN.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

...and every other man in the universe....

Chris H said...


mrtl said...

You're lookin' to be hated, aren't you? Got one of him picking his nose yet? lol That's a silly question. I know you do.

Unknown said...

He looks awfully comfortable there.

Mitch McDad said...

Hey...he's just being a guy.

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha :)