Wednesday, June 28, 2006


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Many people count their child's words in an effort to quantify their kids intelligence. They say things like, "Oh, well Thurston Howell the 5th knows 75 words and he is only 13 months old."

I stopped counting after these two words. "No Dad."


Anonymous said...

That look he gives Lauren - priceless.

Rob heard this from across the room and was grinning - that's how freaking cute your kid is!!

Peter said...

Sometimes it feels like I go days without hearing anything else. Because of those two words i invented a game called "Yes Daddy" When one of them responds Yes Daddy they get points. When they actually perform said request, more points.
Try it they (the kids) love getting points.

Andrea said...

Little stinker :) His response to Lauren's question at the end was my favorite. My 18-month-old likes to pretend she doesn't understaned/hear what you are saying, and I fall for it...until I see the little smirk creeping across her face.

Anonymous said...

No more corn

Anonymous said...

too flippin' cute!!!

The Egel Nest said...

That is awesome!

I can't wait to hear..."No dad!" :)

That will probably last about a week...

The Egel Nest

eclectic said...

This just made my whole day. thanks!

Judypatooote said...

Thanks for sharing that, it sure did put a smile on my face this morning.....he is so precious....

Anonymous said...

I just watched the video with Brenna on my lap, and I am worried that she liked it so much that she might try to put those two words together! When it ended, she said, "bye dad" (her standard).

ieatcrayonz said...

That's it. I must have him as a son-in-law.

Unknown said...


Gotta love it when the kids 'catch on' to stuff!

Kami said...

Little turkey.

Nature Girl said...

Well,I wish I had better news for you, but mine are 14 & 17 and those are still the two most used words in their vocabulary! Maxfields smile lights up a room! Adorable! Stacie

Anonymous said...

Well get use to hearing those words... Was that Lauren saying No? or Max? well regardless... looks like you will be hearing alot of that from both of them for a long time...

The Cluck Wagon said...

The end of that clip is just priceless!

Anonymous said...


At least he's cute and not beligerant when he says it.

Michele in Michigan said...

absolutely ADORABLE

Leska McCall said...

Adorable! Both my sons' first sentence was NO, Mama.

Unknown said...

So far Nathan can say no, but hasn't figure out how to use it in context. We are having SO much fun with the new words phase.

Lowa said...


I can't get over how much he reminds me of my oldest at that age. With the little tongue sticking right there between his teeth.

More pictures of Wyatt?? I just spent 5 days with my nephew who was born June 20th. Very close to Wyatt's age. I got a cute pic of my bro with his wee son but he won't let me post any on my blog the JERK!

sc@vp said...

I think he's saying, 'no god' ...?

heh heh

Anonymous said...

What a precious dumpling! I enjoy videos of your little man. :o)