Tuesday, May 30, 2006


New light fixture (Because your wife doesn’t like the one already there)-$60
New Electrical box (because you broke the old one)- $1.86
New Concrete drill bit (Because for some stupid reason the ceiling is made of cinder block)-$3.86
New concrete screws (See above)- $3.26
Trips to Home Depot – 3
Time it takes to complete a 45-minute project- 4 hours
New profanities invented due to project- 5
Times you bite your tongue to stop you from uttering profanities because your son is helping you-22
Not electrocuting yourself- Priceless


Lowa said...

What a sweet guy you are!

We (well, hubster) replaced a light fixture for me this weekend too! We only had to make two...not was it three???...trips to Home Depot.

Sucks about the cinder block ceiling! YIKES!

lawnwhisperer said...

Where's Dan when you need him?

Anonymous said...

J.P. is gearing up for (a.k.a. trying to get out of) a similar project in our master bathroom. You see, I mentioned that I'd like to paint it, and everyone knows that when you paint you also need to put up a new light fixture, towel racks, etc.

Very cute kitchen!

Anonymous said...

I especially like the super hero action figure in the second picture..lol...that add's a nice touch!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I totally understand the replacing of light fixtures because not liking the style of the existing one! totally get it!

Unknown said...

That's great! So that picture is you, huh? You look so much skinnier in those pictures! Not that you looked huge before in other pics or anything. It's just your arms and legs I guess. Weird.

Anonymous said...

Mainline Mom thinks your fat, Priceless

ieatcrayonz said...

Hawt baby, hawt!

You know how you're wearing your goggles on your head? When Max gets older and he asks how you know everything, just show him that picture and say that you've got eyes in the back of your head.

You are not fat.

Unknown said...

Yay for not electrocuting yourself!

Happy New Light Fixture Lauren! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a job well done.

I was reading your sidebar and noticed that you grew up in Hatboro. We live in Warminster, Pa, and we have family in Hatboro.

Small world.

Lois Lane said...

Priceless, indeed! Max sure does make a great supervisor. All he is missing is a big mug of coffee in his hand. LOL!
Lois Lane

Odd Mix said...

You only got a new drill bit out of that?!?!? Shoot, you should have been able to at LEAST wrangle a new hammer drill out of a job like that. Possibly a laser plumb bob, a set of wire tools, and a multipurpose tester.rcwirue

Anonymous said...

"Making your very pregnant wife happy: Priceless"

THAT is what you should have said to win Husband of the Year. As a wife, thought I'd fill you in on that one.

Good job though. Kitchen is super cute.

Judypatooote said...

Cute kitchen, and cute little assistant.....

Anonymous said...

I like the tongs , the ladle and the ass tickler hanging on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Is that a dead red tailed hawk outside the window?

Anonymous said...

Like Father, like Son! Never fixed anything that he didn't break worse in the fixing!:)

Kami said...

:) You're such a handy man!! Great job on teaching the kid early.

kimmyk said...

Max looks like he's so interested !

I want to see the finished light though..

Chixulub said...

I have a few dozen projects here when you're finished with your house.

eclectic said...

Odd Mix said what I was thinking -- Mr. Eclectic would have managed to procure many more "necessary" tools out of that. HA!

Sharfa said...

Isn't AMerican Express asking people to send in their "Priceless" stories? If they pick yours they will make a commercial out of it. You should enter this one - it's.....are you read? Priceless

kittenpie said...

oh you didn't put a big old burn mark on your hand like Misterpie? Good for you. Otherwise:

Burn ointment: $17.89
Getting to Needle Mister about incident every time he looks at something electrical: priceless

Anonymous said...

Yes, but where's the picture of the newly installed fixture?

Sheri & SuZan said...

I absolutely loved this post...and I even had to share it with hubby.

Unknown said...

Dude, I so do/did not think you were fat. Jeez people.

Anonymous said...

I can't even tell you how glad I am that we finally have walls and ceilings made out of drywall. Now if only they didn't have this funky texture that makes them impossible to sand and patch...

Suzy-Q said...

Who is that super hero on the table supervising?

You and Max will treasure that picture some day! I am glad Mom caught it for you.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Where were you when we dry-walled our pantry? :)

That's a rockin' kitchen, by the way. Love it.