Thursday, May 18, 2006

30 Days

30 days and counting until the baby’s due date. So it is contest time. Take a guess at the baby’s actual birth date and time. Whoever guesses the closest without going over will win a prize. Like the Price is Right.

Leave your guesses in the comments. Date and Hour (AM or PM). Example: 6/6- 6am to 7am. Make sure you read the comments so there will be no double guesses. If there is a double guess, the first one entered gets the date and time that they picked. You cannot enter more than once. I will close out the comments on Sunday 5/21/06. So get your picks in by then. I will notify the winner, here on Poop and Boogies, after the kid is born and then you can email me your address for the prize.

The prize:
One shiny Abraham Lincoln copper-esque medallion. And something else, which I will determine at a later date.

There will be no runner-ups. Runner-up is just a nice way to say loser. Void where prohibited by law. That means pee in public. The rules and prizes are subject to change (quarters, nickels, dimes). The chances of winning are determined by how lucky you are as well the when the baby decides it is time to enter the world. Please play responsibly. If you have a baby due date guessing problem or if someone you know has a baby due date guessing problem please go to If you guess the right day and time and are found out to have used a Ouija Board, John Edwards or steroids an asterisk will be placed next to you name.


Charlotte in Pa said...

Okay... I think I'm first! I think that Baby Boogies will make a blessed appearance on June 23rd at 1:17 p.m.

eclectic said...

June 11, between 4 and 5 a.m. Because nobody should get a good night's sleep on such a momentous occasion!

Anonymous said...

June 05, 2006, at 11:23am.

i hope i win the penny. and the additional prize, to be determined at a later date.

Jaime said...

I need more info! Was Max early? late? Is the conception date accurate? Is she craving peanut butter or eggs with jelly? Aaaaaaaahhhhh!

June 20 4:29pm.

Anonymous said...

June 14, between 8 and 9 PM
Good luck, Lauren!!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go with June 6th between 7-8am....good luck! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Kris said...

June 13th between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.

Anonymous said...

June 23. (Cause that's my birthday.) Between 4:30 - 5:30 pm.

Anonymous said...

june 26 12-1 pm
if i win a want an addition to my prize....starburst

Kari said...

6/21- 3:47a.m.

Anonymous said...

Put me down for June 16 between 3 and 4 am

(sorry Lauren, but isn't time really a moot point at that stage?)

Can't wait to find out the name! :) Best wishes for a speedy and safe delivery.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these guesses are all over the map! And we get to choose a one-hour window? I'll stick with a to-the-minute guess, and risk losing out on the shiny Abe medallion.

I'm going to say June 19, Father's Day, at 2:17 AM.

Nature Girl said...

June 16, 6:09 AM
because my B-day is 6/16/69....

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

6/14 1-2am

What better day than Flag Day!

Anonymous said...

(psst...i think william has said that her due date is 06/06/06.)

Anonymous said...

June 19 (because that's my b-day). 3-4 am.

Anonymous said...

My 30th birthday is June 12th at 12:27pm, but I'm still sticking to June 6th between

Anonymous said...

My guess is June 14th - 9-10pm. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

6/06/06---6:06am----Welcome to the world, little joy of mine!

Alli's Mom said...

June 15, 2006 at 3:46 pm. I have no idea why I picked this, it is totally random.

Michelle said...

June 2 - 4:51am. Totally random guess. I never win anything.

Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Meegs said...

I'm going with June 12, between 4:00am-5:00am.

Getting so close, how exciting!!

Anonymous said...

June 26th at 3:30pm. - after an incredibly easy labor. I just added the last to wish you good luck.


Misty said...

June 10th b/t 6 and 7 am

Greta Adams said...

okay i pick JUNE 15th between 6-7 pm

why i picked this? Well because that's my birthday and I was born at 6:08 pm...and I am the coolest gemini chick around...hehehehe

therefore your baby will be to...good luck and congrats to you

Sharpie said...

June 10th at 3:30am...sorry I know early. That's about the same time I plan to be winning at the roulette table while away for our 10th anniversary. ;-)

Effie said...

I'm guestimating that the new little one will arrive safe and sound on June 9 at between 10 and 11 am--you know when the doc's are on coffee break...that's what I did to my parents--small hospital--the doc really did nothing but stitch Mom up afterwards...

Anonymous said...

I am selecting June 18th, 5:00- 6:00am. I don't recall seeing anyone who chose that day. Good Luck Lauren.

kimmyk said...

Ok, here we go. After writing down everyones dates and times to not cross over into another time line this is what I got....

Baby P&B will be born.....on June 9th...sometime between the hours of 2 and 3 PM.

Thats my story and I'm stickin to it.

Unknown said...

I say June 12, 1pm.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

May 27th at 9:47 am.

Do we need reasons?

Anonymous said...

june 1st 2:35pm

Anonymous said...

Lauren is punctual.June 18th

She is also a nighttime person.
11Pm to Midnight.

Anonymous said...

June 6 (your birthday W., right?) between 10 and 11 a.m.

Anonymous said...

June 6 (your birthday W., right?) between 10 and 11 a.m.

Anonymous said...

yea i like momo9's guess
if that happens you have to name him damien

Anonymous said...

June 19th, 5:15 am.

I know there are some that day but I'm sticking with my guess (cause I guessed before reading the comments. *smile*).


Deanne said...

I'm going to guess June 8th between 4 and 5 am.

Sue said...

June 16th at high noon-- name him Tex. Or you could play word verification name the baby-- how does ubrlfo sound?

Chixulub said...

June 13, between noon and 1:00 pm

Anonymous said...

Two hours from the exact moment that Lauren has enough of being pregnant. I've added two hours because that should hopefully give you enough time to get to the hospital! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

June 8, between 8 and 9 pm. And since we will share a birthday, you should also consider having us share a name.

Anonymous said...

Okay June 26th at 1126pm

Anonymous said...

June 24, 4:38am

Anonymous said...

1) I can't believe I just read 47 comments just to follow your stupid rules about not doubling dates.
2) I'll take June 15, at 4 pm. I realize that someone took a spot fifteen minutes earlier, but I enjoy a challenge. (This is all about me, you know.) (As are all things.)
3) I strongly feel that you should name this child Mr. Miagi, regardless of the birth date. I feel that all of your family members and Lauren's family members will embrace your choice.

Alisa said...

All right. So I missed the deadline, but I think my pick is still open. I choose June 7th between 8-9 pm.

Blessings, Alisa