My two favorite comic strips of all time are Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes and Bill Amend's Foxtrot (notice both creators are named Bill).
In each of the strips, at one point or another the character Calvin, or in Foxtrot, Jason have built interesting snow "men" ( another one here).
Maxfield and Wyatt have never seen these comic strips, and with no prompting from me they were both determined to build a Snow Alien with this season's first snow fall.
I take great delight in their creativity.

In each of the strips, at one point or another the character Calvin, or in Foxtrot, Jason have built interesting snow "men" ( another one here).
Maxfield and Wyatt have never seen these comic strips, and with no prompting from me they were both determined to build a Snow Alien with this season's first snow fall.
I take great delight in their creativity.

That's a pretty impressive snow alien.
I didn't realize you were negligent enough as a parent to let kids as young as yours see District 9.
Huh. You learn something new every day.
you should be proud...every young child to aspire to be the next Calvin...i love him!
Bear Alien? Bealien? Bearlien?
Great snow alien!
PS - Your boys are cute.
PPS - Those are 2 of my favorite comic strips, also.
I'm just surprised you have that much show already. Ugh, winter...
They definitely have your genes.
Two of my favorite strips as well. (That and the Far Side.)
Very impressive creativity and initiative on their part. That kind of independent thought is obviously fostered in your house.
Looks sorta like Sammy from Over The Hedge. But completely awesome! Also? I love Max's big ol' stocking cap.
That is one awesome snow alien. The night shot really sets off the antenna like magic!
Good artwork! Bet that snow alien is still standing,too. It is sooo cold now! Good pics, Bill! Love Max's hat! ( and Wyatt's too) not to hurt anyone's feelings....
That's great... I love it. I too was a huge fan of Calvin and Hobbes.
I love it!!!
Love the Snow Alien life form.
I think the white lights in the background make the alien look even better.
Heh, that's awesome.
William, This post tickles me to no end. My son was Calvin! His father arrive home from a trip to find both sides of our driveway lined with very odd looking snowmen. (It snowed a lot that Christmas!) The happiest of holiday seasons to you and your family! Such fun posts! Elizabeth
That is right out of MIB!
Chips off the old block!
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