I thought it was an awesome idea until I discovered that there were priceless (okay, maybe not priceless but I am sure damn expensive) original paintings at five-year-old-height. I think I must have said, to both Max and Wyatt, at least a thousand times, "Don't touch that." My nerves started fraying.
Maxfield Parrish's Circe's Palace now smells of a hint of apple juice and peanut butter and fluff sandwiches. See the blue in that painting? Sometimes it is referred to as Parrish Blue, which is where Wyatt gets his middle name. There was one painting in the museum by N.C. Wyeth (Wyatt's naming inspiration). I did not get a picture of Wyatt next to it, since it was at three-year-old-height and my nerves would not have been able to handle that.
The Delaware Art Museum hosts the permanent exhibit of Howard Pyle, one of Lauren's favorite illustrators, which was a possible choice of name for Jackson. We did not want to go with Howard and if we went with Pyle, well, think of the abuse.
I don't know if the Delaware Art Museum houses any modern art but we were able to a find a book in the educational room about Jackson Pollack. And it was perfect at One-year-old height to snap a picture. As you can see Jackson was distracted by a snack and did not feel the need to smear anything on the book.
We did have a great time and it was also fun that Mr. Miyagi (Max's Godfather) and his family came with us.
How many people can say they wiped PB & Fluff on a priceless painting of their namesake??? Sounds like a great day! Love the first picture of Max! =)
Priceless memory. And he added his own creative inspiration to the painting.
Now you have to rent Action Jackson to watch with the boys! Ok, maybe in a couple of years.
What a great day for you all.
Happy New Year!
Wow, I love where the inspiration for your children's names came from! I wanted to go literary for ours ... but my husband wouldn't concede. ;-/
AppleJuiceandFluff will probably be the name of Wyatt's Blog when he gets older.
William, Be still my heart! My favorite artist of all times! My very first boss' name was Maxwell. It is just the greatest name ever! Happy New Year to you! E
So cool man. Love the fact that your son is game enough to go look at art! I know I wasn't at that age! Even if it did happen to be named after me.
How great a story would it have been if the kids put some cherrio's on one of the frames...or a gogurt smear on a picture...it would not only add their own personal touch, but it would be a great story.
I love Maxfield Parrish. I took an old calendar and lamenated the pictures of all 12 pages. Finally someone who is crazy about him as I....
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