Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Best Medicine

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Teri said...

OH GOD, babies are the best. I love when they give you wet kisses, suck on your face and laugh like they've never laughed before.

He's such a cutey.

They might be the best medicine but I can see you calling out sick to stay home with those three.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I love the belly laughs! He is getting so big!

Anonymous said...

oh man, I can't watch the video's of your cute boys makes me want to have another one myself. And that would cause my husband's head to explode.

Andrea said...

Yes, baby belly laughs are THE BEST!

Kami said...

I love him nursing her chin. OMG! And he is so interested in what Max has to say. So sweet! AND HIS FUZZY HAIR!! OMG!

Anonymous said...

Wow. De-lurking here simply because Wyatt is the cutest! I have a 3 month old, but I just can't get her to laugh. Any suggestions??

Nature Girl said...

How cute is that!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giggle. Mine is 10 weeks old and had her vaccinations shots today. It is not a happy day!

Anonymous said...

Cute! But turn off the TV next time.

Scottsdale Girl said...

OMG that just totally made my day!

And I hate children so you KNOW it was good stuff.

Platypus said...

I can never get enough of your gorgeous boys and Stumpy loved watching that too! I needed another dose of baby cuteness!

(Stumpy is outraged that I no longer find her quite so cute. She's muttering about "Bloomin' Poop & Boogie babies"! Now she's stumped off complaining that nobody loves her no more... Sigh! The traumas of having a teenager!)

eclectic said...

Already Wyatt's a comedian...! Of course, if you took him to Susie's party, he may simply be drunk. ;)

What a lovely moment to capture on film -- thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that heard Lauren say that is her first hickie in 6 years. William, get busy.

Effie said...

he is just a bundle of love! And sooooooo adorable!

Anonymous said...

What a laugh! LOL! My whole family came in to see what was going on when I turned the video on. They were all laughing too, and a lot of "awwwwwws"

And Lauren is so beautiful!!

Unknown said...

My uterus totally just exploded. God I love the belly laughs.

Oh and my sister has those exact same throw pillows on her couch.

Anonymous said...

I love it! William, he's starting to look like you! What hardy laughs! Happy family! What is that in Max's mouth? Not a bink! Couldn't be! Then what is that thing in Max's mouth? (couldn't resist) Wyatt is sure happy! Looking healthy too. (chubby)

Slinger said...

Our little girl is just starting to laugh.

What football game did you have on int he background?

Anonymous said...

That is the best medicine!! Little Bear has almost grown out of that laugh, but we still try.