Monday, January 23, 2006


Bill: You know you and I should try to find the time to (wink wink).
Lauren: It is so tough. After a long day, getting Max bathed and to bed, cleaning up the house, after all that I am ready to sleep.
Bill: Yeah. I know. By the time all that is done I am just ready to watch TV.
Lauren: You should stop watching TV.
Bill: You should stop falling asleep so early.
Lauren: I wouldn’t if I weren’t pregnant. Do you see the vicious cycle we are in?

Thanks to Lauren and Lawnwhisperer for filling in for me while I was away.


Cat said...

I don't get it. What is "wink wink"? Please explain it to me, okay? Oh! Is it some sort of card game? Because I think I played that once...


William? Stop watching TV. Well, at least until after you "find the time to (wink wink)."

Effie said...

teeheehee--what a viscious cycle indeed

Tammy said...

So very funny. But true.

Kami said...

Oh yeah. I know this cycle.

Anonymous said...

Two kids does not help in the 'wink,wink' department. It gets worse from here. Don't say I didn't worn you.

Lois Lane said...

How many children are you planning? LOL!
Lauren and your brother were great! The scoop or dip debate is alive and well in our family too. Weird! LOL!
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

Hee, vicious cycle. That's funny stuff.

Dottie said...

It is a vicious cycle! After 4 kids we almost need to write time for "wink, wink" in the day planner! LOL

The Egel Nest said...

I don't have time for winking...let alone wink winking!!!

Sheesh :)

The Egel Nest

Anonymous said...

I saw this on postcard secrets today and thought of maximus.

Anonymous said...

Been there...

Nature Girl said...

just wait till their teens and you can't even wink to say you want to wink...let alone...well....I don't want to dishearten you.....

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Glad your back!

Ha I love your wife! She is quick with the comeback!

Renee said...

Yes, I know all about the cycle you speak of as well....

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Isn't that the same cycle all married with kids type couples get into !!! Oh well, that's life !! Take care, Mewo

Lowa said...


The more kids, the more tired you are as well as having less time. The one time you DO have the energy to *wink wink* and BAM! Another child on the way and on and on it goes.

And what is it with guys watching TV all night while we clean up?? UH!?!? I don't get that!?!? We already cleaned up all bloody day long?? And then they wonder why we are tired and don't even feel very clean or attractive??


I would love it if someone would explain this to me!