This past weekend we decided to go to the pumpkin patch. I told Lauren I wanted to take some pictures of the family (now with the addition of Jackson) to replace (update) the one hanging by my desk.
Within 5 minutes of arriving at the pumpkin patch I discovered that Lauren forgot to put the camera card into the camera. This was going to limit the number of pictures we would be able to take to about 12. I am the type of person who will take 100 pictures of the same thing just to get a decent photo. Without the camera card, getting a family picture was going to be difficult.
Within ten minutes of arriving at the pumpkin festival I was stung by a bee on my thigh. It hurt a lot.
With in twenty minutes of arriving at the pumpkin festival Max cut his finger. It bled for a bit. Within 30 seconds of that, I put Purell on his hands because he was just petting farm animals. The Purell in the cut hurt a lot. Like 140 decibels a lot.
My leg, where I was stung, hurt so much that I told Lauren that maybe I was bitten by some kind of rare Pumpkin Spider and that I may die. She basically told me to "man-up".
After a frustrating far trek trying to push Wyatt in a wheelbarrow and Jackson in a stroller over mud, smashed gourds, stalks, stems and tractor ruts out into the patch I was ready to stop and take the family picture.
We were all in a "mood".
Max was mad that we did not pick out any pumpkins yet.
Wyatt was mad that we wanted to put Jackson in the wheelbarrow with him.
Lauren was mad at me for complaining that my leg was stung by a swarm of killer bees and bitten by a tarantula.
Jackson was mad about the bumpy ride.
I was mad that I only had a few pictures left on the camera card.
In picture one, Lauren is asking Max to remove his sunglasses for the photo. Max refuses because he wants to pick pumpkins. Wyatt sees an opening and figures he can get rid of Jackson. Max gives Lauren attitude and she starts to correct him.
In picture two, Max is still giving attitude to his mother. Lauren is telling him he better "knock it off." Meanwhile Wyatt goes in for the kill which really upsets Jackson.With only one more picture left on the camera I started to laugh at the whole scene. Everyone stopped and looked at me to see what I was laughing at. I yelled "Say cheese!" which gave me the pic I was looking for, picture number three.
I really am the luckiest.
I can't decide which one I want enlarged to replace the one at my desk. Which one would you pick?
I think you need the whole series, to really tell the story. I love Max in the second one, all "Talk to the hand, Mom!" This cracked me up :D
I agree with Susie. I'd print out all 3 and frame them in sequence.
yes, a sequence frame for sure, so you can tell that story over and over when people ask about it. good stuff.
I do like nunber one tho, it really shoes that the inmates run the asylum!
I like number 3. Since I know the story behind Jackson's tears, that one is acceptable. Without the story and sequence of events, told so wonderfully well by the photographer, I would not have chosen that one. They are all great. Isn't life grand? What a beautiful day and what a beautiful family. Happy Autumn!
Hate to be unoriginal, but the sequence, definitely. Too telling.
Left an award for you over on my blog - I love your writing!
On one hand I like the series idea... but mostly I like photo #2 because of Max's hand gesture. It is my favorite. I love seeing pictures of REAL family moments. And they prompt great stories.
I prefer photo 2, because as the youngest child in my own family of origin, I totally empathize with Jackson. In the third photo, he's the only one who looks cranky so in years to come, everyone will write it off as just, "Oh the baby was cranky." Which is SO unfair! In photo 2, you get to see WHY he's cranky, AND that he's not the only one.
Solidarity, my little man. I feel your pain.
I like the middle one because Max is giving lip to Lauren and Wyatt is harassing Jackson and making him cry. Something for everyone. LOL!
What great pictures, regardless of what was going on.
I think this is one of my favorite posts ever (because I feel your pain!).
You definitely need a frame with three cut-outs.
The whole trilogy, for sure!
all 3 def!!! What a great family you have!!!
I vote for all three too. Great series.
I got stung by a bee on the cheek Saturday. First time in forever and boy did that mother hurt. I feel your pain.
This screams out for a collage frame, which apparently everyone else thinks needs done, too. Every time I looked at that, I would crack up!
I would pick the 2nd one for sure. It looks more like everyday life to me!
Well...I want the one you left out. The one of the killer bee and tarantula bite on your bum. You know you documented it, didn't you Blanche?
(The three together tell a funny story.)
I agree with the whole series... it really shows progression of the afternoon. Very very funny!
Hilarious. You have to go with all three.
Love the pictures. You did a terrific job of capturing a great "family" moment. I love the transformation smiles...isn't it amazing at what laughter can generate? Jackson was just still "cranky" because the sun was in his eyes...because a baby that cute has to have a reason! Adorable all.
I'd go with the third one; everyone has the "baby unintentionally crying" photo.
(Also? Man up and buy another $20 2GB flash card, put it in the camera case - or better yet, your wallet - and never be grumpy photographer dad again.)
I wonder if there is a study of how many middle children do actually try to "do away" with the baby... I like 1 and 2 as this is my life... I have to say though, Lauren looks calm, cool, collected... much more than I can ever pull off, I'm impressed.
Well, if you can only print one, then go for #3. But I love Susie's idea of the sequencing series.
The sunglasses are rock'n...don't know how you avoid the pic with the sunglasses on.
Wyatt's Cow lick is priceless
I love the sequence idea too, or if I can only pic one then I like #2, I love the "talk to the hand". Keep it real :)
Number 2 would be the one I put in a frame. Lauren looks like a mother whose last wire of patience is going to snap any second.
Although all of them in a row tells a great story.
In order of preference I pick 2, then 3, then 1.
2 is totally because of Max's pose/expression/attitude.
3 is the best probably really though of all of them.
But I think I go with the whole sequence thing like everyone else said. Even without your telling the story, it sort of tells itself in sequence.
I agree with most others: all three in sequence. Too funny.
And I'm the same, if something happens to me, I'm sure it's the worst, most horrific thing ever possible. Like, if my eye gets a twitch, I obviously have a brain tumor or something, right?
I agree, one of those triple frames would be the best.
Hi Bill. :)
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