Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Cicada Party

These things are all over our backyard. The only thing we can do is make them part of the fun.


Anonymous said...

These are off-schedule. At least for Maryland, they are. Twice since I've lived here, we've had them, so many that they cover the ground, and you can't walk across the yard without crunching them. And that noise they make! Oy.

Sharpie said...

Um...ew. I am for once glad I live in the CT.

for a different kind of girl said...

I am grossed out and yet terribly amused!

Patience said...

Ewwwww! Giant bugs!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...those things bring back great childhood memories. We have the final product - but it has been YEARS since I have seen a shell...I use to collect those and leave them in my mom's drawers just to hear her holler! :)

Anonymous said...

Boba Fett is f-ing tough. Look at him fighting those things off.

Ali said...


Anonymous said...

One night a few weeks ago, our neighbor called and asked me to come over because her 3-year-old son had a present for me. It was a Ziploc bag full of these things--ewwww. Of course, I oohed and aahed over it and thanked him profusely. Then I walked in our front door and went straight to the trash can.

Anonymous said...


Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Hahaha! Very cool!

Anonymous said...

They taste like pork rinds.

joanna said...


Anonymous said...

You made me physically weak with these pictures.


Thank you for making me skip lunch today (my expanding butt thanks you too). My stomach is literally doing flip-flops now.

When I was in TN we were sitting outside eating dinner one night and I could hear all this *noise* and asked my host and hostess what it was (Cicadas). When they told me I wanted to rip off my clothes and run to the nearest creek to wash off. It sounded like there were THOUSANDS of them surrounding us!!


We don't have those things out here (thankfully!)

sari said...

So glad it's your house and not mine!!

Rachel said...

I've only seen a couple of them here. There was one that sat on a mushroom for ages outside. I thought that it had died. But then was informed that it was only the shell. ;-/ It was a pretty one though!

FilmFather said...

That is beyond hilarious...and a great idea for something to do with my boys this weekend. They've got two jars full of those things sitting on my older son's dresser.

"It's Cicada Party time..."

JP said...

Our neighbor's child gave Sharkey a bag full of these as a gift. We filed it under "T" and it went out to the curb the next day

Anonymous said...

Are these what you needed the honey for? Try them with peanut butter instead.

Dr Zibbs said...

I love those friggin things

Ern said...

That is too funny!

Anonymous said...


We've got them here in Kansas. I echo all the Ewwww's.

Anonymous said...

awww....I miss Cicada season.
Now that I live in AZ and not PA, we have scorpions instead. Not as fun.

Anonymous said...

Just remember there will be no fun at work.

Anonymous said...

I saw someone at work take down a piece of Cicada pie a few years back. I still have not recovered.

Leann I Am said...

Umm...yeah. We don't have anything that interesting in our backyard! I've never seen one and had to actually look up the name of them on one of those online dictionaries to hear how it's pronounced!

But they are so much cuter than the millipedes that swarm our house!

Kristin said...

Great minds think alike! I just added a post tonight about these crazy things. :)

James (SeattleDad) said...

Wow, that is what the little buggers look like. Fugly, aren't they? Thanks for sharing.

Bogart said...

I need to go back to SoCal to live in blissful ignorance of such woeful creatures.

Stupid bugs.

Anonymous said...

Those things give me the heebie-jeebies (my skin is crawling just thinking about it).

Chris Cactus said...

Now that is art.

The Maid said...


It is bad enough to "hear" those darn things buzzing all over the place, I don't want to have to see them.

:) The Maid

Charity Donovan said...

We used to have those something fierce in STL...hmmm? I wonder what chemicals they're spraying on our streets to keep those scary little dudes away??? I'm loving the "Kindergarten" Jango Fett getting taken down by the Cicada Army! Quite nice...

Anonymous said...

We have those in our yard, and I had been freaked out by them! Now I know what they are! Thank you soooo much!
Brenna went to climb a tree last week, and jumped back when she saw the "bodies".

Anonymous said...

Aren't they just the ugliest bugs? I'm glad you found a fun way to, um, enjoy them.

Florida houses said...

i really don't like these bugs but they still are between us and good. They are found in most of the florida houses.