I made the joke with this
post about a UFO landing near Lauren. Well, yesterday, I discovered this Lawn Circle in my backyard. I am pretty sure that it was caused by a small scouting ship looking to abduct someone from my house (keeping my fingers crossed they want the cats and the dog and if they take the cats they have to take the litter box as well).

Some people may say that the circle was caused by my lack of experience with my Scotts' broadcast spreader and how much Weed and Feed I used. But seeing that the lawn circle is right next to the path that leads to my back porch I am thinking the UFO landed right there for easy access to back door. Its eerie.
Creepy. I'm sure the aliens will be back... at my house, they take the form of my children.
Perhaps it's a alien that likes to pee in the same area every day. Or your dog.
It looks like a skull. How creepy!
I think the cats are up to something no good. Of course they always are.
Oh, yea. Clearly you could be taken away at any minute.
Sort of reminds me of the time the hubby put down Scott's fertilizer & then complained to his brother that it wasn't working. His brother then responded by asking if he put grass seed down first. Doh!!! That Scott's can be dangerous in the hands of men desperate for a lush lawn.
i would be thoroughly concerned.
ps- maybe they just want to babysit!
We had something similar to this and we heard it was a bug (or a colony of them) that get into the lawn. I can't remember exactly what kind, though. So, really, I'm not any help...
Dog pee can cause brown spots. Maybe it was a really, really big dog that really, really had to go...a lot.
You didn't put the grass seed down, did you? ;)
And I think Mrs. K just called our moms aliens...
Aren't you pissed they did that to your lawn? I have no problems with their scouting missions (I totally wish they'd take my neighbors cat, or hell even the neighbors), but I prefer if they leave their damages to corn and wheat crops, you know?
Sorta looks like a skull.
Maybe M. Night is filming a new movie at your house?
I'd SAY it kinda looks like the top of my dad's head.... but that might be mean.
put a blow-up pool over it and you'll be back in the lawn-heroes guild again.
It kind of looks like a skull.
Maybe you can find One Eyed Willie's Treasure buried nearby. You need to round yourself up some Goonies.
Aliens. Do doubt.
Your own personal mysterious 'crop' circle!
If it had a better design I would think it might be a crop circle, made by ants.
Maybe it is from a rabbit.
Our pest control guy said our brown circles were due to rabbits whizzing in our yard.
Yep..."Kill da wabbit, Kill da wabbit..."
Oh, not that I would ever do that. I mean it's been years since I owned a rabbit fur coat.
The Maid
That is so ghetto...did I just admit to wearing varmit fur?
It does look like the top half of a skull. I would make your whole family wear a garlic necklace until the grass grows back.
Stop dumping your scotch out when you get home. Everyone knows you are left handed. (and you may have six fingers on that hand)
That it appears to be a skull is incredibly cool, in a "Skulls are cool on tshirts, hats, pajamas, Converse All Stars but not so much on 40 year old women, but who cares, because I'm going to wear them anway!" sort of way. I would like this smack dab in the middle of my yard!
Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog last week. I'm definitely coming back here!)
Maybe there is some kind of sink hole underneath and it's just starting to show? So when someone walks over it they are cast into the centre of the earth to fight dinosaurs and volcanoes?
just a thought!
Bill - You won my contest! But I tried to email you @ the earthlink address and it got bounced? Email me! raisingtheboys at gmail dot com!
Looks like Pac-Man to me.
Looks like someone pee'd on your lawn - I have had these strange 'circles' and I have 5 boys, husband and a dog that take freqeunt pee's in the yard. Hubby has tried to right his name in the grass and killed it. He got out the letter Da...... :)
Maybe they landed because they think you could use a good probing.
It could be that a neighbors lost their frisbee and it laid there for a day or two ... then they found it. A really big frisbee!
What is wrong with people. This lurker has to the be the first?
I think I see the baby Jesus. Take it up and sell it on ebay.
Heidi - don't you have a "designated pee spot"? With all the boys we have around here, we do. It works, you should try it. :-)
A recent article in the Veterinary Forum dispels some legends and gives useful advise to eradicate those chocolate spots. As most of us identify the main offender causing these spots be not cats, which are disconnected about their eliminations, but dogs. Because most male dogs, neutered or whole, mark country by leg lifting onto vertical surfaces, the male is usually less likely to cause grass spots, unless they are “squatters” like females! However, young bushes, bushes, vines, or trees can be harmfully affected by urine marking.
Wide Circles
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