Friday, May 25, 2007

Brotherly Love

I was sitting across form my brother, LawnWhisperer, at a table, in a restaurant, in an airport, in another state. We had just finished our lunch and were waiting for our flight. We were discussing various topics form the past two days of travel when my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was my wife, Lauren calling.

“It’s Lauren.” I said to LW. “ I need to answer this.”

I clicked the button on my phone and I answered. As I was talking to Lauren, LawnWhisperer whispered to me “What’s Lauren’s number?”

I smiled and wrote Lauren’s phone number on the back of the receipt. I figured LW was going to call Lauren on her other line and say something playful to the effect of “I am sitting with Bill in an airport and he is ignoring me to talk to you.” or something like that.

As I was listening to Lauren on the phone she asked me to wait a minute because she had another call. I looked across the table and smiled at LW. She clicked over and my phone went silent.

LW’s eyes widened in acknowledgment that she just answered his call. I chuckled at his playful smile. His smile then twisted into a sinister grin.

“Lauren.” LW said into his phone. “It's John. I just wanted to let you know that when you just called Bill right now, he rolled his eye and made a face of frustration. I don’t know what you just said, but he made a face at you. That is all. Bye.”

He hung up his phone and he started laughing hysterically. I listened to the silence on my phone waiting for Lauren to click over. The phone clicked back to me.

“What face did you just make?” Lauren questioned.

I just shook my head knowing that I could not explain as LW looked out onto the tarmac with a shit-eating grin.


Teri said...

you should know better than to give LW your wife's phone number. Serves you right for having an angry wife. : )

RVVagabond said...

Wow! After all these years Lauren actually believed something that LW said?

Or did you actually make that face?

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I always wanted a brother. I like that yours has a sense of humor and deviousness.

Lois Lane said...

That Weed Whacker is a nut! At least he didn't say, "Hey Lauren, Bill is flirting with a stewardess right now. If you want to get him back, I'll be back in town soon." :P
Happy weekend!

ToadyJoe said...

Now Bill... you really should have known better. I mean, you grew up with the guy! I didn't, and I still knew he was going to do something bastardly*, LOL!

*Not that it would have stopped me... I still would have given him the number just to see what he'd do. Then I'd faux-punch him in the arm and call him a bastard, and we'd laugh hysterically together for hours. Cuz that's how I roll.

I'm so glad you're able to interact with your family more now that you're moved.

Nancy said...

Touche' LW

OhTheJoys said...

I love that you call LW that. My husband routinely has lawn envy. He would appreciate the concept.

mrtl said...

the adult noogie

Just Jan said...

that called for beat down!!

Anonymous said...

Moon is a shit eater. That explains the grin.

Nature Girl said...

Ahhh Brotherly love! Good thing Lauren knows you both...

BOSSY said...

And honestly, with friends like that - who needs Bad Presidents.

kimmyk said...

Yep that was your first mistake-giving LW her number.

Lesson learned I hope.

Chris H said...

Ha ha, friggin brothers eh? Wish mine were still around to give me shit.

Denise B. said...

So, what will you do for revenge?

Amie Adams said...

Oooooh! That's good. Sinister, but good.

eclectic said...

Oh, he is the stink, that brother of yours!

Maddy said...

Newbie - [from Oh, the Joys] Hope my two end up that close - or do I?

carrie said...

This sounds like something my husband and his brother would to to each other.

Boys will be boys, I guess!


Denise B. said...

I believe your brother commented on my blog, since you are the only William I know, and so a comment signed "William's Brother" led me here, since I cannot find a blog of his own to post on. Does such a thing exist?

Unknown said...

Ah, sibling "rivalry"... some things never change.

theotherbear said...

HAHA! I love this. I am going to ask my brother to do this to our sister. Or something.

Anonymous said...

Is that how it happened? Or did you actually roll your eyes and are now writing this post to cover your butt?


Dan W. Boles said...

hat tip to LW! ;)