Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Sad Sight

It was sad and heartbreaking.

It was.

Maxfield standing at the end of the driveway, tears rolling down his face, screaming at the top of his lungs at the movers, "Give me back my stuff!"


SciFi Dad said...

And now, on with the road trip!

Good luck settling in.

Anonymous said...

Poor kid, he probably thinks everything's gone forever! It'll be like Christmas when you unpack.

Good luck on your move, I hope it goes smoothly!

Patience said...

His trains too???!???!!!!!!

jen said...

Aww, poor Max. Everyone will feel better when you get to your new house. Hope you guys have a safe trip. It is pouring here in NJ today.

Anonymous said...

I admit, this post made me frown and make that little chuffing sympathetic sound. You know the one I mean.

Unknown said...

Poor Max. He doesn't know what FUN lies ahead.

I hope it's warm and sunny by the time you get here. It pretty much sucks right now.

Kami said...

OH NO!!!!!

Michelle said...

Poor guy - I'm sure you kept some of his favorite trains out though, right??

Unknown said...

Poor Max... tell him the movers took all of his stuff, but you found a whole bunch EXACTLY the same stuff in the new place. He'll think you're a hero. :)

Effie said...

aaaaw--poor kid!

Safe journey!

Annie said...

As you know, Max wasn't the only one who cried.

We're sure going to miss you guys!

sari said...

Aw. Poor little guy.

Maybe by the time he gets his stuff again, he'll find some things he thinks are "new" - that would be good!

Have a safe trip.

Nature Girl said...

Awww! Poor Maxfield! It was so hard making my kids understand when they were little everytime the movers came. Now they're 15 and 18 and I just told them last night the movers are coming next month...still not happy, but at least they're not standing in the driveway crying......yet.

eclectic said...

Oh, that's so sad! Sweet little man, I'm sorry he was traumatized by it. Drive fast (but safely...) so he can be reunited with his treasures ASAP!

Just Jan said...

awwww...he'll be like a little boy on Christmas once he sees his stuff again. Good luck with the move.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe he knows something you don't. Maybe he overheard the movers scheming...

Happy trails to you! You'll be home soon.

Anonymous said...

How sad!

Hope things go well!

kimmyk said...

Aww. But just think when he sees it again it'll be like Christmas seeing all his old friends. But still, I can't imagine how gut wrenching that was.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! I have to go shopping! I have toys, but not that many! Hope you bring the Florida weather with you, minus the rain. It is cold here. Can't wait! See you soon. God Speed. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww...that would have made me cry.

But so does The Velveteen Rabbit so I'm not sure what that says about my ability to hold back any sort of emotion...

Ern said...

Ohhhh, sad!

Good luck and safety to you on the big move!

Anonymous said...

oh bless his heart! poor boy....

Anonymous said...

sorry to post this message here but i'm trying to reach william and cant' find any contact info. if anyone can pass this on - please have him contact
and i'm so sorry for this rude interuption.

Queen Bee said...

Awww poor guy.

amelia said...

We are moving to PA from TX in less than 2 months and are trying to prepare our 3 year old for the shock of moving. He knows that all his toys will be in his new house but we haven't talked about how a different truck will carry them away first. Your post just inspired me to go over that with him! Thanks!

Melanie said...

Oh nooooo! I hope it didn't last long! Poor guy. Glad you guys made it there safe and sound though.