Monday, January 25, 2010

Fake Hurry Up Shuffle

Does anyone remember Sniglets?

Maybe there is already a word, I don't know, but I am, trying to come up with a word that describes the following.

You pull into a parking lot at the mall or super market and as you are driving down the entry way a pedestrian steps onto the curb. You, being the nice driver, stop and wave them across, giving them a safe walkway in front of you. The pedestrian then smiles, gives you a silent "thank you" wave and they proceed to cross the street. As a sign of their appreciation they try to hurry across, but they are not really hurrying, they are only moving their arms faster, their legs are not actually going any faster than a normal walk. The pedestrian is really just giving the illusion that they are trying to be faster but actually they are just shuffling across the road.

I call it the Fake Hurry Up Shuffle, but I think there needs to be a word for this. Any suggestions?

The winners from last Friday's contest, the two who guessed the closest without going over are Shannon who guessed $72.14 and Carter who guessed $69. (heh heh). The total Lauren and I spent at the Giant was $72.26. Thanks everyone for playing. Kraft also thanks you. Please check out their website.

Shannon and Carter please contact me at batmeaks at Verizon dot net. If I do not hear from you in the next 48 hours I will have to pick another winner.


Anonymous said...

That move seems like it takes longer for some reason.

Anonymous said...

It is also when you arrive at the same time at a fast food counter and you let the person in front of you. That order takes forever.

Anonymous said...

I think it should be called the Steve Austin after the 6 million dollar man.

Sue said...

I agree.. the Steve Austin or Jamie Sommers (gender specific) but you should be required to make the sound as you do it. (tchhhhhhthchhhhh tchhinnnnn)

Charity Donovan said...

Isn't that a dance move...The Running Man???

Sharfa said...

Fuffle? Faux Huffle? Furuffle?

SciFi Dad said...

How do you know that waving their arms doesn't help them go faster?

It must be nice to know everything, Mr. I Know Everything.

Anonymous said...

It's called the "pyaig" (pronounced pie-ag). I say it all the time, when that happens to me..."come on, Put Your Ass In Gear" PYAIG. Good name, don't you think? Yes, it's me, Bill.

Shannon said...

I think you should call it T.A.P.S-
The Appreciative Pedestrian Shuffle.
As in, "I know you're in a hurry, honey, but look, that geriatric fella is doing T.A.P.S for us!"

Charlotte in Pa said...

I've noticed that, too. Hell, if we're being honest here (and of course we are), I DO that. Why do I do that? I have no idea.

PS - My buddy Carter was one of the winners of your contest! He's a huge P&B fan, so I'm glad he won!

Anonymous said...

I call it a snuffle.

James (SeattleDad) said...

That only makes me want to run them over even more.

starlightsound said...

The problem is you need to work on your motivational techniques. Let up on the brake a little and then see how fast they move.

Anonymous said...

If there are multiple people it should be called the Abbey Road.

DoThat4U said...

How about asshole--as a verb?
assholing across the street

Unknown said...

William, You are popular in my book! I loved your shopping story, and again this Shuffleupagus story. Too funny, too true! Elizabeth

The Absence of Alternatives said...

I LOVE this post and I *heart* you for writing about this: I have always been amused by this but didn't think anybody else but me find this remotely amusing. I call this "I am sorry BUT..." walk.

Anonymous said...

You know... for as gay as Dane Cook is... he did a joke about this.

Honking at them usually gets them to move a little faster.

That and if you pull out your sawed off shotgun.