I took this picture on Saturday May 2
nd at about 11:46 AM. At the bottom of the picture is Wyatt and his cousin Valera playing nicely in the pew in front of me and Valera's mom (my sister) at their cousin's First Holy Communion.
2 Minutes Before That -My sister and I were still fighting some serious church giggles.
3 Minutes Before That-My sister and I start fighting some church giggles at the thought that the people in the pew in front of our kids probably think that Wyatt and Valera are my sister-in-law's kids. We wonder if our sister-in-law is mortified since it is her parish.
2 Minutes Before That-My sister and I start laughing at the fact that we are the Godparent's of one of the 1st Holy Communion recipients. What kind of example are we setting.
1 Minute Before That- My sister and I start laughing. In shock, but laughing.
1 Minute Before That-My anger passes.
30 Seconds Before That-I contemplate how many Hail Marys and Our Fathers I would have to say for
committing the action I was just thinking about a minute ago. In Church.
1 Minute Before That- I want to smack the lady in the orange top (in the picture) in the face for treating my kid that way.
2 Minutes Before That -The woman in the orange shirt in front of Wyatt and Valera, in the most hag-like, nasty,
witchy way, without warning, turns to Wyatt and Valera, who are two and 4 years old, gives them the evil eye and hisses, "
SSSSHHHHHushhhhh." louder than the volume in which
Wyatt and Valera were talking. She was flat out mean. Nasty. Shocking.
3o Seconds Before That- Wyatt turns to Valera in a
surprised voice and says "I just heard it again. Where did that come from?" They giggle.
5 Seconds Before That - The second ringing of the
Sanctus Bells.
1 Minute Before That Wyatt hears the ringing of bells and says in a
surprised voice "What was that?" He and Valera start discussing where the bell noise came from.
2 Seconds Before That-The first ringing of the
Sanctus Bells.
5 Minutes Before That-My sister makes a comment about how good Wyatt and Valera are behaving in church. I make a comment about how pleased I am with Wyatt's behavior.
15 Minutes Before That-Wyatt does not like sitting with me and moves to the pew in front of me where he can sit with Valera and my sister-in-law and her kids.
5 Minutes Before That-Wyatt finishes all of his
distraction snacks and juice.
3 Minutes Before That- We watch the procession of the children making their 1st Holy Communion. My God daughter is the prettiest one.
8 Minutes Before That- My sister and her daughter Valera arrive. My sister sits next to me and Valera sits in the pew in front of us with the other children.
2 Minutes Before That- Wyatt is slightly antsy but behaving himself in the crowded church. He has a new book and sits quietly next to me in the pew.
6 Minutes Before That- Wyatt and I sit in a pew directly behind my sister-in-law (my brother Anonymous' wife) her children, her sisters and their kids.
30 Minutes Before That- My sister-in-law gives Wyatt a new book for him to look at when we are in church.
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy Six Years(give or take a couple of years) Before That - Matthew and Simon the Zealot get a serious case of the "Last Supper" giggles. No one shushed them.
Some Time Before That -"And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them and heal them: and his disciples
rebuked them."
"But when Jesus saw it, he was much
displeased, and said unto them, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."
Dictionary dot
com's definition of Rebuke.- Verb-to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand.
I don't think the the lady-in-orange knows this, but she displeased Jesus. Wyatt and Valera were angels and merely having a conversation about the service which is what I think church should be like for children. I know she was trying to be reverent and all holy roller like by trying to shush kids in church but she was just downright mean and nasty. I wonder if I did smack her if she would have been reverent and holy and turned the other cheek.