A second baseman must be quick on his feet and ready to move at the crack of the bat. He should position himself between the first base bag and the second base bag for optimum visibility
It is in this gap between bases, along the edge of the infield grass, that the best bugs and dirt are found. Playing second base requires the ability to identify each bug and then determine whether it gets set free or squashed.

A second basemen also needs to have excellent hearing so he can hear his father/coach yell directions to him from the outfield. The standard baseball direction terms usually are "pay attention","look alive", "eye on the ball" and "holy cow how many times do I have to tell you to get up off the ground".
Once a ball is hit a second baseman's first moves should be towards the ball. His momentum should either direct him to a bag to cover, or to the ball itself to make a play.
Sometimes that momentum and the ability to throw the ball to the right bag results in the batter being called out. The OUT results in the coach/father to smile, run in from the outfield to give his son/player a congratulatory five.
Being called out usually makes a second baseman sad, but that is okay, as long as long as he looks good.
We just finished our Little League season. I had a good time coaching and I think Maxfield had a good time playing. I am looking forward to coaching Wyatt next year.
All photographs were taken and copyrighted by Sharon Monaco and used with permission of the photographer.
Ever since I can remember, I have always been a huge fan of second base
Second base is the best...no babies that way!
Most baseball writers shy away from the all-important issue of bug identification, determination and execution or redemption and the effects it has on not only the second-base players, but also short-stops, third-basemen and occasionally outfielders. It's nice to see someone tackle the issue in a straight-forward, technical manner as you do here.
Congrats on what looks like an awesome season!
Those pictures are the BEST! So is Maxfield! Kids can play ball and appreciate nature at the same time...only in childhood! When real competition enters into the game, nature is forgotten....Enjoy it, Max! (while you can)
His blue eyes are mesmerizing like calm ocean water. And in the pictures he seemed so poised. Sometimes little children surprise me by how much mental strength they have inside.
I have learned that a big part of being a good baseman is 'creeping in' after the pitch. Alas, in Little League, learning how to creep in apparently means making super creepy faces, too. It's fun, but I don't think they make concessions for that in the big league contracts.
I suppose every person must read it.
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