I sat on the vinyl seats of the NJ Transit train for about 90 minutes on my trip from Trenton to NY. I took the dank, steamy D subway train from Madison Square Garden to 7th Ave. I then walked two blocks in 90 plus degree weather wearing a back pack stuffed with business cards* to the event. When I arrived I felt very comfortable in my super underwear. I was sweaty but I was comfortable. I took off my back pack so I could get my invitation when I noticed that the backpack was soaked.
It was then that I realized that moisture wicking under garments was not the way to go. Moisture wicking fabric wicks the moisture away from the body to the outer layers of the fabric. It is designed that air then either cools or dries the fabric. But when you wear another layer of clothes on top of that fabric, like a dress shirt, the dress shirt, or the middle trunk section of your dress pants becomes soaked with sweat. My clothes were moist from my chest to mid thigh.
I stood in the lobby hoping my clothes would dry off a bit. But as my luck would have it I ran into Oh The Joys. We have known each other in the blog world for years and this was our first time meeting. She gave me a hug. I am sure it felt like she was wringing me out. I apologized for being so sweaty.
I walked around the showroom floor for about an hour hoping I would un-dampen. I purchased a copy of The Dread Crew because I knew that Kate Inglis would be signing copies in the lobby. When I approached the table I saw Black Hockey Jesus. I introduced myself and I immediately became nervous/excited and could feel myself sweating. I am a big fan of BHJ. A couple of minutes later I bumped into Kevin. I started talking to him and he said "Man, you are sweating." Which I replied "Well, I am hot." and then I became very self conscious of my sweaty-ness. I was no longer sweating but my clothes were damp.
After the community keynote speakers I went into the various halls to go look at all the artwork that was matched up with the 90 VOTY blog posts. I was excited to see that my post was paired with a photograph taken by Chookooloonks (which will be auctioned at some point in the near future). I then proceeded to do my best to hand out my business cards and network which turned out to be basically me just getting shaking hands and hugging people and getting my sweat on people. I dampened The Bloggess, Laid Off Dad, Kim, Cecily, GreebleMonkey , Father Muskrat and Torrie and I am sure a few others.
Overall I am glad I went to the event. It was great to meet some people whose work in this medium of blogging I really enjoy. The best part was that I got to tell them I enjoy their work to their face.

I think you should use the word Moist.
My biggest fear! Glad you had fun though.
Send me some P&B tissues!
You need the extra tissues for all the crying you just did.
THe obvious is "Why didn't you use the tissues to swab yourself off"
I need some Poop and Boogies tissues, too!
Yeah, those shirts are a double edged sword. They're definitely chafe-free, but I always actually feel hotter in them. Which would make me sweat more.
At least all the tissues in the back pack didn't get sweat soaked durning the commute!
I didn't get damp. Phooey. But I'm a new blogger and you're one of my muses! www.threegirlworld.com
There's always San Diego....
I need P&B tissues!
I am very proud to have both the tissues and the sweat. :)
Glad you introduced yourself!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This is the first BlogHer post that made me GLAD I wasn't there.
I can always count on you.
Nice to meet you, dude. And thanks for the tissues and props.
Had I been there, I'd gladly have taken a package of tissues from you. I've long been the most ill-prepared mom. I never have tissues or drinks or snacks for my kids. It's like they cease to exist when we leave the house together, apparently.
If it's any consolation, cold and flu season is approaching.
It was great to finally meet you ! Both as tall me and the shorter version. : ) And thanks for the tissues (and for drying out before we met. ; p )
I'm going to keep this advice in mind, because at the start of the post I was thinking, Good Move with the underwear!
Impressive business "cards" -- good for P *and* B! LOL
You were somewhat damp but being damp is an efficient social tactic. It's disarming. It automatically makes people look past bad attitude and cynicism, once they wipe their hand on their pants after shaking yours. You demonstrate that you're a human being too. A human being who needs love and sympathy. Villains are never damp. They cannot be trusted. I make a point of being damp. It-
Wait. This took a turn.
Dude...you should have used the tissues to whipe yourself...think like a boy scout...be a boy scout.
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