Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No Name Brand Cans of Soup Were Harmed

Well it took me a while from the time I got my first letter from Campbell's, but I finally got the new look for Poop and Boogies. What do you think?

I want to thank my friend Caren from HandleWithCaren who did all the photo design work. I met Caren when I was a freshman and she was a senior in high school. I think we shared an art class together. I say "shared" because I was in Drawing I and she was in Drawing III, or Expert Level Drawing or something like that, we had the same teacher but were on different levels. She was/is awesome, I kind of sucked. I always looked up to her as an artist. Even after she graduated and went on to art college she would check in on me to see how my artwork was progressing. She would look at my work, compliment it and make me feel better. She kept me interested in art and always made me feel like I had worth as an artist. She was being nice.

I stopped pursuing a career in art after my first art history class. Art History Class was the most physically challenging class I have ever taken in my entire life. The physical challenge? Staying awake. Anyone who can stay awake enough in Art History to pass the class truly loves art. I applaud those people. Caren is one of those people. She went on to be a freelance artist and advertising person in New York. Every now and then I will talk to Caren and ask her what she is working on. She would tell me, and being nice she would ask me how I felt about different pitches and what not. Again she makes me feel like I have worth as an artist. I know now, that she takes any idea I may throw her way and does the exact opposite. That is why she is a successful advertiser.

Thanks to Jo-Lynne at DCR Design for doing all the layout code work. She was great to work with. She was very patient handling my technical requests that usually involved the words "thingamabob", "Whoziwhatsits" and "you know that thing, that code, HTMMLL button link thingy."

There a couple of buttons on the side bar somewhere. One button is the "about me" page. One of those buttons "MMM Good" will take you to a page of links to various blogs I read or other websites I like to visit. Not every blog or site has been added yet (I still have some work I need to do) I plan to change those links on a regular basis or as my tastes in websites change.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you like the new look.


Unknown said...

Looks good!! Simple, but with character that reflects YOU. Perfect. So you worked with Jo-Lynn huh? She and I are friends from Waaaaay back...pre-blogs. Pre-internet. Pre-babies and all that. She's awesome. When you and she were up for best Philly blog I told her I simply could not vote against you in favor of her.

Unknown said...

PS...that was me, aka Mainline Mom in that last comment. I'm having technical issues!

Kim said...

Looks really great !!

Charlotte in Pa said...

I really, really like it. Glad you avoided a lawsuit. :-) I think the Camden Riversharks should change their stadium name to Poop and Boogies Stadium.

Sherry said...

Noice! I loike!

Charity Donovan said...

Looks awesome!!!!

BunnyBear said...

Love it!

James (SeattleDad) said...

Looks great william. Souper, really.

Michelle said...

it looks great! I'm so glad that no name brand cans were injured, I was worried that there may be some backlash against them.

random and odd said...

I LOVE IT! great work!!!

Susie said...

I like it better. Love it. :)

Becky said...

I super-dee-dooper love it! Great JOrb!

SciFi Dad said...

Although I will miss the Campbell's logo, I like the new look as well. Nicely done.

Unknown said...

I do really like the new look... um, one thing... can I get a grilled cheese sammich with it?

Patience said...

Nice! But maybe you could have floated bits of poop and boogies to make it more realistic!

Bogart said...

I am conflicted...I enjoy reading my daily poop & boogies, but I HATE tomato soup.

What is a boy to do?

Anonymous said...

I will get used to it. It's like,I like you with no beard, then you grow one. It'll take time. I will get used to it. It is still you, but with a new face. Love you just the same. momo9

Sheri said...

Love the new look!

eclectic said...

So what I'm reading here is that the Poop and Boogies family officially endorses generic soup now? Do you get paid for that?

Looks great!

Bogart said...

Sorta reminds me of that generic beer you used to see in movies...white cans with blue writing on them. It just said:


Caren said...

I'm so honored to finally have made it to Bill's blog!! It's like getting to the top of the internet's Mt. Everest! I'm in a place where many other people wish they could be!
Thank you Bill for your kind words. I've always been one of your biggest fans and you have never stopped impressing me with your talent. Now your art comes from your WORDS that, in turn, CREATE the pictures in all of our minds.
You are the best.
It was my pleasure to help out you and your wonderful blog.

Dan Creighton said...

Bill- Looks good. Sucks that you had to cave to the big corporate giant but I think this design gives up nothing to your old one.

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Looks great! I love it!

James said...

They did great work. Even better than the original. Which means I think you owe Campbell's for spurring you to update...

teri said...

thumbs up. great look.

Chickiedoodle said...

Love it! Even more evocative of the vibe around here than the other.

MrsDoF said...

Nice new header, but it's the writing I enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I like it, but can no longer access it on my blackberry. something about being too big which has happened with a few other blogs too when they changed

Unknown said...

William, If you are happy we are happy! It's the words we come for! Your buttons remind me of your post about trying to spell with the noodles with your sons. Horray, you found all the letters! E

Shannon said...

Love the new look!!! I agree with Circus Kelli- now I'm hungry for soup and a sandwich!

I know what you mean about Art History. I took it in college, but dropped it after only a week! I guess I'm not a true artist, either.

Have a great weekend!

Jen said...

Looks great!

Roger Miller said...

Looks great and will keep Campbell's off your butt, for a little while at least.

Ricky said...

Very nice!

kalki said...

Great new look! Love it.

MrsDoF said...

Where are the Dates of the writing? I see only the time.